Le Monde

Guillaume Dasquie charged in connection w/ April Le Monde article

(Here is the report that got him in trouble; September 11, 2001: The French Knew Much About It. -rep.)

Reporters Without Borders: Journalist freed after being charged with revealing defence secrets

Guillaume Dasquié, the editor of the Géopolitique.com website, was released last night after being charged with “possessing information or files that are national defence secrets and revealing them to the public.” It carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

Dasquié in now “under judicial control.” An anti-terrorism judge, Philippe Coirre, has been put in charge of the case.

Reporters Without Borders continues to regard the judicial procedures being taken against Dasquié as improper. He was just doing his job as a journalist and should not held responsible for leaks from within the government."

The Guardian UK
French Author Accused of Outing Secrets

Le Monde - English Translation from Truthout.org

(Remember that in 1994, Air France flight 8969 was hijacked with plans to crash it into the Eiffel Tower, or blow it up in mid-air. The following year, in 1995, Project Bojinka was "discovered", including the lesser known secondary plot, on the same laptop;

"Then we found another document that discussed a second alternative to crash the 11 planes into selected targets in the United States instead of just blowing them up in the air. These included the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia; the World Trade Center in New York; the Sears Tower in Chicago; the TransAmerica Tower in San Francisco; and the White House in Washington, DC. Murad himself was to fly the plane that would be crashed into the CIA headquarters..."

So when Mr. Lorenzi says, "in 2001, hijacking an airplane didn't mean the same thing as it did after September 11" take it with a grain of salt. A BIG grain of salt. Thanks Arno Mansouri for the reminders. -rep.)