jason williams

Tune on in.

Director Jason Williams and Producer Michael Gull on The Morning Blend.

New Day

Robert and Alison Logan were married less than a year when Alison
boarded American Airlines Flight 77 on the morning of September 11th,
2001. Later that morning, Robert watched in horror as televised news
reports told him that Alison's fight had been hijacked and crashed into
the Pentagon.

Eight years later, Robert has pulled his life back together and
relocated to the Midwest. Still haunted by the memory of Alison, he has
married Rachel, a clinical psychiatrist, and they share an idyllic life
with Rachel's daughter Carly.

The peaceful calm of Robert and Rachel's life is torn apart when a
research project Rachel is working on includes a brain damaged patient
at a secure hospital who bears a striking resemblance to Alison. Both
Robert and Rachel embark on their own personal investigations, for
separate reasons, to discover the truth about the woman in the

Their inquiries attract the attention of the ruthless Agent Ross, who
will stop at nothing to keep the identity of the woman in the hospital
a secret.