Impeachment Cheney Protests at BYU Grand Jury Justice

"Impeach Cheney First" - Revisited

Suddenly, impeachment is no longer “off the table.” Indeed, it has emerged as a prominent topic in the news media.

I assert that it is time to revisit how the 9/11 Truth Community can seek justice for the evident 9/11 crimes and wars – and that impeachment is ONE approach for seeking “redress of grievances,” one granted in the US Constitution.

In early 2006, the “Impeach Cheney First” movement was in full swing and I was an active part of it. This goal of impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney gave purpose and focus to the 9/11 Truth Movement, and united us with other groups such as the anti-war movement. Perhaps it is a fitting time to revisit seeking justice for those who are clearly implicated as having leading roles in orchestrating or facilitating the tragedy of 9/11/2001.

In my talks and media interviews, I often referred to the testimony before the 9/11 Commission of (then) Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta regarding Dick Cheney, which testimony was NOT included in the 9/11 Commission report. But we have copies of the video-taped recording of his testimony.