Free Speech

In the Public Spotlight, Chicago, IL and the Web: the Legitimacy of 9/11 Questions

In Chicago, the Republican Congressional candidate has attacked the Democrat for a campaign ad featuring an Iraq War vet who supports the 9/11 victims families right to answers, and says the Iraq War was based on lies, including Hussein's connection to 9/11. According to the Chicago Tribune, "He also said he does not doubt that Al Qaeda terrorists were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.". "Last June, the Peoria Journal Star reported that Davis wore a black T-shirt proclaiming "Investigate 9/" while sitting at a table at a Peoria library where books, fliers and DVDs supporting conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks were on display." "Seals spokeswoman Elisabeth Smith said she didn't "really see what is so controversial" about using Caleb Davis in the ad. Davis, 25, is a Peoria native who spent five months in Iraq as an Army diver and got an honorable discharge in 2004." The reporter and Tribune present the Republican view and also the Democrat side, which apparently supports the OCT as well as the right to freedom of speech, press and to petition the govt.

Storm Troopers at the RNC By Ray McGovern September 8, 2008

Storm Troopers at the RNC

By Ray McGovern
September 8, 2008

Ten days ago, as the nation focused attention on the hurricane nearing the Mississippi delta, another storm was brewing far upstream in St. Paul, Minnesota — a storm far more dangerous, it turned out, but one by and large overlooked by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM).

When I flew into St. Paul on the evening of Aug. 30, I encountered a din in local media about “preemptive strikes” on those already congregating there to demonstrate against the Iraq war and injustice against the poor in our country.

St. Paul’s Pioneer Press expressed surprise that “despite preemptive police searches” and arrests, a group calling itself “the RNC Welcoming Committee” was still intent on “disrupting the convention.”

When Protest Is Terrorism, RNC 8 Charged as Terrorists Under State Patriot Act, By Bruce Nestor

When Protest Is Terrorism

RNC 8 Charged as Terrorists Under State Patriot Act

By Bruce Nestor

04/09/08 "ICH" -- - Ramsey County Charges RNC 8 Under State Patriot Act, Alleges Acts of Terrorism

In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.

Lockdown in St. Paul by Adam Turl September 5, 2008

It's interesting how the word "anarchists" is being continually, Rovian-ly, associated with (peaceful) protesters exercizing their First Amendment rights, and how pre-emptive arrests (for non-existent thought crimes?) are becoming more commonplace.

Geraldo Rivera called us (9/11 Truth activists) anarchists when we marched peacefully but loudly up to his live broadcast outside Radio City Hall during last year's 9/11 events in NYC. I believe Alex Jones was arrested because of bullhorning without a permit . . . Then a cameraman (shown in Elephant in the Room) was arrested for filming the arrest.

Unlawful arrests, bogus charges, holding people without being charged for the duration of an event (and unable to contact lawyers), then being released, still without charges being pressed - we should be happy?

This St.Paul story sounds like what happened at the RNC convention in NYC in 2004, and in other cities then and since - more stories that never made the 5:00 o'clock news.

It seems like it's way past the time now for all of us to "get up & stand up" - non-violently, of course - any chance we get. -- Betsy

Why We Were Falsely Arrested by: Amy Goodman, Truthdig Wednesday 03 September 2008


"Nicole was videotaping. Her tape of her own violent arrest is chilling. Police in riot gear charged her, yelling, "Get down on your face." You hear her voice, clearly and repeatedly announcing "Press! Press! Where are we supposed to go?" She was trapped between parked cars. The camera drops to the pavement amidst Nicole's screams of pain. Her face was smashed into the pavement, and she was bleeding from the nose, with the heavy officer with a boot or knee on her back. Another officer was pulling on her leg. Sharif was thrown up against the wall and kicked in the chest, and he was bleeding from his arm."

Why We Were Falsely Arrested
Wednesday 03 September 2008

by: Amy Goodman, Truthdig

In a Fascist State, Cameras Equal Terrorism

In America and England, citizens are being urged to report people taking pictures as potential terrorists.

Do you assume that that is an innocent attempt to stop would-be terrorists from casing out high-value targets, and for planning terror attacks?

Sorry, but the arrest of well-known journalists outside the Republican convention destroys that belief. The only thing the journalists was doing were filming peaceful protesters and their brutal treatment by the police. See this and this.

In Iraq, journalists are targeted and killed when they show what the military doesn't want shown. America and England are themselves now being treated like war zones. Anyone with a camera is being treated like a "foreign enemy combatant"and a terrorist.

They Wouldn't Have Been Arrested If They Were Called "Bombs Not Food"

My essay arguing that the arrest of peaceful protesters in Minneapolis - and the labelling of nonviolent protesters as "terrorists" - was for the purpose of grabbing power and stifling dissent has been confirmed.

Specifically, members of the long-time peace group, Food Not Bombs, have now been charged with drummed-up allegations of terrorism (and see this).

What the Violence Against Protesters at the Convention Really Means

A classified FBI intelligence memorandum gives police detailed instructions on how to target and monitor lawful political demonstrations under the rubric of fighting terrorism. And the Joint Terrorism Task Force was involved in infiltrating, tracking and disrupting every-day Americans who disagree with the current administration's policies.


Rochester’s very own Kevin Atoms will be hosting a venue to display progressive political and social art, in conjunction with the “elections” at the end of October and into the “election” week of November. The venue is Method Lab on South Ave, near the equally progressive LUX LOUNGE located on South Ave. Mr. Atoms will be collecting your radical art until the end of September. Rochester is filled with talented and intellectual homegrown revolutionary artists and this is a call out for their participation. Remember, the term Revolution simply means the turning of the wheel and artists are on the vanguard of any good Revolution. To contribute your own Rochester rooted art please contact the esteemed Mr. Atoms at:

Censorship & Retribution: 4,000 U.S. Deaths, and a Handful of Images

I think there would be a lot less complacency if we were shown the reality of what is transpiring over there. I knew there was a media blackout on showing the blood and gore of war, dead bodies and caskets on TV, but for journalists to be banned from posting their own photos on their own website? Penalties! Gives me chills.

4,000 U.S. Deaths, and a Handful of Images
July 26, 2008, New York Times

1st Amendment Threat: Gingrich Threatens Loss of City after SCOTUS Upholds Constitution

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday in Manchester said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism. Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a "different set of rules" may be needed to reduce terrorists' ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.

"We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade," said Gingrich, a Republican who helped engineer the GOP's takeover of Congress in 1994.

Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech
New Hampshire Union Leader Staff
Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2006

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday in Manchester said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.


PART 3 of 3: WeAreChangeLA MORE freeway blogging

WeAreChangeLA uses our giant blue banners for Freeway blogging once again! The same CHP officer drops by for one more visit and fishes for information. What should you do in such a situation? Watch to see how WeAreChangeLA handles themselves when challenged! And we alerted thousands more LA commuters to the 9-11 Truth movement!

¡WeAreChangeLA utiliza nuestras banderas azules gigantes para el blogging de Autopista una vez más! El mismo oficial de CHP deja caer por para otro visita y pesca para la información. ¿Qué debe hacer usted en tal situación? ¡El reloj para ver cómo WeAreChangeLA maneja a sí mismo cuando desafiado! ¡Y pusimos sobre aviso miles más viajeros de LA al 9-11 movimiento de la Verdad!

PART 2 of 3: WeAreChangeLA MORE freeway blogging

During our freeway blogging, with our massive blue banner, a special soul stopped by for a visit. Ferenz lost a good friend in one of the towers on 9-11, and he tells us his story, and he shares his feelings about what we are doing.

Durante nuestro blogging de autopista, con nuestra bandera azul masiva, un alma especial parada por para una visita. Ferenz perdió a un amigo bueno en uno de las torres en 9-11, y él nos dice su historia, y él comparte sus sentimientos acerca de lo que hacemos.
