Flight 175

David Griscom PhD's analysis of 9/11 Flight path anomalies

Did you ever notice anything suspicious about Flight 11 and Flight 175?

The paths and plane sites are right in plain sight.
Millions have seen this animated graphic on USA Today.
Click on "See All Flights", then "Go"

Why did Flight 11 from Boston turn Northwest instead of Southwest towards NYC?
Why did Flight 11 "just happen" to cross paths "almost colliding" with Flight 175?
Could terrorists have executed such perfect timing? Coincidence?
Why would terrorists waste 1/2 hour on a detour, and risk being shot down?
Why would they fly in the directon of Griffiss, Stewart, and McGuire Air Bases?

Dr. Griscom explains in his New Hypothesis paper, linked from his new web site

He received his PhD in Physics from Brown University, worked for 33 years as a scientist at the Naval Research Laboratory, and has published 190 scientific research studies to date. He was also selected by NASA to study lunar rock samples.