
Fantastic '911 Truth' handout and method... 0.33 cent per handout!

I have been handing out great '911 Truth' info for less than 1/3 cent per handout!! 5,500 handouts for $17.50. First, I copied the following 11 times on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper and made 500 copies at 3.5 cent per sheet $17.50: USA's Constitution and currency are being destroyed from within.

San Jose/South Bay California is Organizing! Join us!

The San Jose/South Bay Area has a new meetup.com group and a healthy bunch of activists waiting for you!

This covers areas including, San Jose, Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Campbell, Cupertino, Mountainview, Los Gatos, and all surrounding cities for anyone interested.

We are currently taking action on the 11th of every month and other dates as well. Some of you may recognize us from http://www.truthaction.org and http://www.theblackpacket.com.