
The Year of Living Dangerously: Part Two of Two

An Absence of Will

Under constant manipulations, lies and propaganda, a nation of courage has become a nation of cowards. A nation that once questioned its leaders now falls lockstep behind them, blindly following criminality and corruption. A nation that once stood for protests, strikes, marches, sit-ins, challenging the government and seeking accountability now prefers sitting comfortably on couches or chairs, watching the world pass by through television sets or laptops, some becoming arm-chair activists, most simply rotting away their lives, preferring the life of a couch potato, passively ignoring the destruction of rights and freedoms, silently acquiescing to myriad number of crimes against humanity, and obediently shopping, purchasing and consuming according to the dictates of the corporatist world, their new god the Almighty Dollar commanding them to congregate at the Cathedrals of Consumerism, the Malls of Materialism, told to do their job and be good consumers, spending what little they have, even consuming with money that they do not have, and must therefore borrow.

Corporate Politico's and the "Revolving Door"

Below I have compiled a list of powerful politicians and other governmental personnel, from both past and present, as well as their connections to the corporate world. In case anyone was wondering why our leaders are not doing anything, it may having something to do with that fact that it is in their best interest not to. It is pretty scary when you realize how deeply intertwined the American government is with Corporate America.

John M. Deutch: C.I.A. Director 1995-1996 -- Board of Directors of Citigroup(Banking Firm) Raytheon (Military Contractor)

Robert M. Gates: National Security Council,C.I.A. Director 1988-1992 Secretary of Defense 2006 -- Board of Trustees of Fidelity Investment(Banking Firm) On Board of Directors of SAIC (military contractor)

Dick Cheney: White House Chief of Staff 1975-1977, Secretary of Defense 1989-1993, Vice President 2000 -- Served as CEO and Chairman of the Board at Halliburton(Military Contractor) Board of Directors Procter & Gamble(Multinational Consumer Goods Manufacturer), Union Pacific (Largest Railroad company in America), Electronic Data Systems (Computer technologies).