Dennis Loo

Bush Warns of Another 9/11 By Dr. Dennis Loo


Original Content at

April 14, 2008

Bush Warns of Another 9/11

By Dr. Dennis Loo

The perverse and perilous paradox of this presidency is that the more Bush and Cheney fail, the more they succeed.

Bush parlayed his criminal failure to protect and come to the rescue of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast due to Hurricane Katrina into getting Congress to pass in September 2007 the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007.

The Warner Act abrogates the Posse Comitatus Act (the Civil War law that prohibits the use of federal troops in domestic affairs) and gives the President the power to declare, on his own say so, a "public" emergency" and carry out "mass" roundups, arrests and detentions.

All Bush and Cheney need do, in other words, to nullify their record level of unpopularity is allow - or merely fail to prevent - another 9/11 attack (the attack that Bush warns of in the article below.)