Excellent post at on the "Conspiracy Theorist" label

Like recent posts at the Daily Kos, there are glimmers of hope at websites like (DU). DU used to allow 9/11 posts in the General Discussion area of the website, but eventually moved all 9/11 discussion to the "September 11" forum, which tends to get a variety of other topics thrown in the mix as well. Nonetheless, great posts by user "Time for change" do roam freely at DU, and get a lot of postive feedback and "greatest" votes. Check out TFC's journal at DU here. I also highly recommend the DU journal of user "Octafish", who blogs where angels fear to tread.

(excerpts from TFC's post: The Need to Question Conventional Wisdom and “Official” Version of Events - Some Personal Experience below the fold.) ready for 911 Truth!

Some of you, who are regular writers on DU, know about the so called "Dungeon", the place were all the "crazy conspirarcy theorists" lurks.

The 911 forum.

Now, there are astonishing signs that DU may be ready to deal with 911 truth more openly.

First, it was Hamden Rice, a established poster at DU, with this statement:

Zbigniew Brzezinski's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday (made known to us by autorank) shows that even elites now believe that the administration is capable of false flag crimes -- operations that only "crazy conspiracy theorists" talked about until recently -- in order to provoke a catastrophic war with Iran.

The public support exists for it, and once Congress begins to elicit the true horrors perpetrated by this regime-
what really happened on 9/11 (whatever the hell that actually was)


And now a thread about Bob Grahams book "Intelligence matters" and the saudi connection of Al-Hazmi and Al-Midhar, two of the alleged terrorists on 911, make the top of the greatest threads with 72 recs':