Debt of Honor

Tom Clancy Novels Foretell a 9/11-Like Attack and a Post-9/11 World

Well before National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice and President Bush went on record to say (in effect) that no one could have imagined or predicted that terrorists would hijack planes and crash them into buildings; and long before war games planned at the highest levels of our national security and defense apparatus for the day of 9/11/01 involving simulated hijacking of planes (e.g., Vigilant Guardian, Amalgam Virgo) and the simulation of a plane crashing into a building (e.g., the 9/11/01 drill at the National Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Virginia); and well before a photo-realistic graphic image of the burning WTC towers would appear on a rap music CD cover; and even before former Director of Central Intelligence, John Deutch, along with former National Security Council member, Philip Zelikow, speculated in the CFR journal, [Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec 1998], about the consequences of an amplified version of the 1993 WTC tower bombing that "Like Pearl Harbor" would be an event that would "divide our past and our future into a before and after" --- yes, long before any of these imaginings and manifestations; Tom Clancy's, 1994 novel [Debt of Honor] told of a JAL 747 jumbo