dead microbiologists

GERM WARFARE WANTS YOU: Biowarfare * Mycoplasma * 9/11 Anthrax Connection by Iona Miller, August 12, 2008

GERM WARFARE WANTS YOU: Biowarfare * Mycoplasma * 9/11 Anthrax Connection
by Iona Miller, August 12, 2008

“And take upon's the mystery of things,
As if we were God's spies.” (King Lear)

"Armis Bella Non Venenis Geri"
-(War is waged with weapons, not with poisons)
-- Ancient Roman condemnation of well poisoning.

"Governments are instituted to lie to the greatest number of people
the greater amount of the time." – Machiavelli

This Germ’s for You

Washington Microbiologist links Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) to the anthrax story, which led to the suspicious death of “mad scientist,” hypno-patsy Dr. Bruce Ivins. Mycoplasma contaminated anthrax vaccines were used in the Gulf Wars, giving rise to GWS. But pathogenic mycoplasmas were also released in top-secret “mock” attacks on the domestic front from the 1950s-70s contaminating virtually everyone.

Anthrax Investigations: Dead Microbiologists Revisted

Lots of hyperlinks:

What’s the average rate at which microbiologists die under mysterious or suspicious circumstances? Bruce Ivins is only the latest of many.

Murders and mysterious “accidents” involving microbiologists, confirmed and reported by mainstream media:

Scientists' deaths are under the microscope By Alanna Mitchell, Simon Cooper And Carolyn Abraham in the Globe and Mail, May 4, 2002

Conspiracy Theories: Does a rash of mysterious deaths around the world lead to Memphis? By Rebekah Gleaves in the Memphis Flyer, March 7, 2002

List of 16 who died in 5 months, starting November, 2001: compiled by
Mysterious Deaths of Microbiologists

List of 100 dating back to 1982; I have not researched this list, and am not vouching for the person/org who compiled it, or the list’s accuracy; I am posting it here to raise awareness, and so those interested can investigate: 100 DEAD SCIENTISTS AND MICROBIOLOGISTS - The Master List by Valis of Awoken Research Group, posted at June 16, 2006