Sept. 11 riddles remain

(This story published by the Norristown, PA, Times New Herald website has dropped off the Internet Archive. Sometimes these stories become accessible again, but in the meantime, I'm reposting here for posterity. -rep.)

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Sept. 11 riddles remain
By: KEITH PHUCAS, Times Herald Staff

NORRISTOWN - Accusations that the 9/11 Commission ignored information about a defense intelligence operation "Able Danger" that targeted al-Qaida in 2000 has renewed criticism that the panel may have passed up other intriguing leads gathered in the months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

A memorandum sent to the 9/11 Commission, and Senate and House intelligence committees in September 2004, suggests that young Israelis who canvassed dozens of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) offices in 2000 and 2001 trying to sell paintings to federal workers, may have been spying not only on the DEA, but also on Arab extremists in the United States - including the Sept. 11 hijackers who were living in Florida and New Jersey.