David Weiss

Interview with Michele Little

My interview with Michele Little, the sister of fallen firefighter David Weiss from Rescue One.

She is an amazing woman and a great friend, and I'm honored to have her in my life. A lot has happened since we first met at the Los Angeles 9/11 Truth Convention in 2006.

Her organization, Unite in Peace, can be found here.

New Site Coming Soon...

David Weiss passed away on 9/11. He was one of the brave 343 firemen that gave their lives that day. In Arizona, I met David's sister, Michele Little. Since then, she and I have become good friends. She is one of the most positive people I know, and I am thankful for having met her. Through me, Michele met John Feal of the FealGoodFoundation. Michele is currently in the process of setting up a 9/11 Responders Fund in order to help out. She has asked that I help her out with some of the web stuff for her site. Here is a variation of the header I made.

Anyway, just wanted to share.