Dave Redick

Republican Congressional Candidate to Discuss 9/11 Truth Today on GCN

http://www.gcnlive.com Network 4
First hour: Dave Redick: http://www.forward-usa.org/
Second hour: Anna Baltzer: http://www.AnnaInTheMiddleEast.com

Dave Redick is a real conservative, not a neocon. He's a Republican challenger to Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin's Second Congressional District--the district right next door to my own Third District, where I intend to challenge Democratic incumbent Ron Kind.

Dave is (to put it conservatively) open-minded on 9/11 truth. He's strongly opposed to the neocon takeover of the Republican Party, and espouses such traditional American values as freedom, small government, and fiscal sanity. Currently he's concerned that the neocons may orchestrate war with Iran in a desperate attempt to sway the 2008 elections.