
Cyber-Terrorism Drill nicknamed 'Cyber Shockwave' slated to begin today, February 16, 2010.

The Bipartisan Policy Center has created Cyber ShockWave, a simulated cyber attack on our nation. To defend against this attack, a working group of high-ranking former White House, Cabinet and national security officials will come together. Their mission: to advise the President as the nation grapples with this crisis.

The Bipartisan Policy Center, a nonprofit organization focused on various issues including national and homeland security, will be unleashing Cyber ShockWave on Tuesday, February 16th. Cyber ShockWave, a cyber-attack simulation, will allow the government to assess response times and improvement areas shall they ever encounter the real deal.

A group of high-ranking former White House, Cabinet and national security officials will band together to fend off this simulated cyber-attack. As the event unfolds, the participants will be advising the President and planning a strategical response. None of the participants have any advanced information regarding the simulated attacks. The event even goes as far as hiring professional scriptwriters to coach the security experts and a production company to recreate the White House situation room in the Mandarin hotel.