
Wikileaks' Julian Assange and Conspiracy Theories

By Michael Collins

"I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." Julian Asange, Wikileaks, July 19 (Image right)

John Young was one of the co-founders of Wikileaks. He quickly left the organization in disagreement with some of its policies (CNET). Young was a natural choice for Wikileaks since he has operated a leak website, CRYPTOME, since 1996. His site just released two articles on July 31 attributed to Wikileaks' Julian Assange ( The announcement read:

Any news on NIST WTC7 data?

Does anyone know what the situation is regarding the NIST WTC7 simulation data?

There were two terabytes mentioned back in February 2009 by AE911...were these files obtained and uploaded to

It seems NIST also recently released 8,910 files to Ronald Brookman of Cryptome, I wonder if he will make these available? They withheld 3,370 files for reasons of 'public safety', including the 'connection models' and all 'results files'.

EDIT: The data which accompanied the letter above is available:

I can't find a reference to either data set on this site about the simulation, though there are links to two (unreadable?) LS-DYNA files found on a NIST ftp site (under 'World Trade Center 7 Computer Simulations')

Cryptome FOIA: WTC Photos

Cryptome has released WTC photos obtained by FOIA. This site has archived many other important 9/11-related documents, in addition to other material.

As the site says:

"Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those."

Among those posted in March:


wtc-nist-wtc7-no.pdf NIST Denies Access to WTC 7 Collapse Data - March 14, 2010 52 Photos of World Trade Center 7 Collapse - March 13, 2010 (37MB)

wtc-punch.htm Aircraft Wheel Punches Out a Wall of WTC Tower - March 11, 2010