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Seymour Hersh: US Training Jondollah and MEK for Bombing preparation CASMII Press Release 8 July 2008

(Note: Jondollah is aka Jundullah. -rep.)

Seymour Hersh: US Training Jondollah and MEK for Bombing Preparation

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

CASMII Press Release

8 July 2008

Seymour Hersh: US Training Jondollah and MEK for Bombing preparation

In an interview with NPR on his latest New Yorker Article, titled ‘Preparing the battlefield', the renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh reveals more striking details of his findings on the aim of the $400 million budgeted US covert operations inside Iran. He provides valuable information on US military preparations to strike the country, on the total expansion of the Bush Administration's executive power, about the US recognition of Iran's overall positive role in Iraq and on the US support for the anti-Iran terrorist organisations Jondollah, PJAK and MEK.