covert ops

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction is a brand new, independent feature-length documentary exploring many of the questions and conspiracy theories about 7/7, the 7th July 2005 London Bombings.

The film places the debate about 7/7 firmly in the context of the history of Western-backed covert operations.  The first half of the film examines three periods from the 20th century: Central America in the 1950s and 1960s(CIA coups in Guatemala and Cuba); Italy during the Cold War (NATO's Operation Gladio); Afghanistan and the Balkans in the 1980s and 1990s (Operation Cyclone and the wars in the former Yugoslavia).  

Though the movie does not explore 9/11 in detail, it functions as a detailed account of false flag terrorism in general, and so speaks to the debate about 9/11 as much as it does to the debate about 7/7.  The second half of the film examines 7/7 in details, and concludes with a lengthy discussion on intelligence and security policy that includes the stories of several probable double agents, including the American Junaid Babar.  


The film can be watched in full on stagevu and VeeHD, and in sections via youtube.