The Conspiracy Files

BBC to Cover Building 7's Collapse!

BBC program "The Conspiracy Files" is going to cover the collapse of WTC7. This is interesting but I'm reserving my judgment, especially after last week’s episode. Although I might be wrong, and besides any footage they show of its collapse on mainstream TV should be positive, even if the whole program's a hit-piece.

From the editors blog;  

"A number of you looked forward to the other programmes in the series, which continues in the New Year, especially the programme about 9/11. To answer questions about what we are covering in the 9/11 programme, we are covering all the key issues, including World Trade Centre 7, which was not hit by an aeroplane but which collapsed. And yes we did contact Professor Steven Jones, but he did not want to be interviewed for the programme and instead we interviewed the co-chair of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Professor Jim Fetzer."

Don’t expect a thing from the sell-out BBC!

I just got through watching the “Conspiracy Files” on BBC 2 about the death of Princes Diana, and frankly it was headache inducing. I don’t know enough about her death and the issues surrounding it, so I don’t really know what the hell happened to her accident or otherwise. Although I would say after becoming aware of just how wrong things are with 9/11, an assassination like that wouldn’t be beyond possibility.

This program starts off with fast flashing abrasive imagery with lots of green and black colouring, and with close-ups of single eyes etc. It’s very nauseating I found, and I’m sure most people watching didn’t appreciate it either. This program seemed to have a very strong bias throughout; the narrator was a female voice who readout a narrative that was full of words like “conspiracists” and “conspiracy theorists” “conspiracy theories”. It labelled and smeared everyone who was sceptical by insinuating that their “claims” aren’t “credible”, for the whole duration of the program. And steered the tone firmly in the direction of favouring the official version of events. It used so many strawman arguments that I was even able to guess what was coming up. For example after a series of points debunking certain aspects brought up by “conspiracists”, the next point was “Diana’s ambulance past a number of closer hospitals, why was this conspiracists ask?”, the answer: “the hospital she was being sent to had vital specialist facilities”.