cognitive dissonance


partial quote

"His most attractive claim, which is irresistible for believers in conspiracy, is that 9/11 was a false flag operation--which is true. But, for such a smart guy, he can't seem to come to any logical conclusions that leads him to suspect there is systematic evil lurking deep in the government that is capable of doing such an act. To him this seems to be something "new" and disturbing. But without the proper and broader implications of the 9/11 attack, which point to a much larger conspiracy against liberty, his charges are shallow.

Strategies for Resisting Information: Motivated reasoning

I've recently come across Professor Steven Hoffmans, “There Must Be a Reason: Osama, Saddam and Inferred Justification.”

It fills in alot when trying to understand how others are unable to take in the debunked myths of the official story. It also is an invaluable intel framework on how to use this obstacle as an opportunity for mainstream disclosure.

Cognitive Dissonance question for Rockridge Nation

I posted the following article on Rockridge Nation, the community branch of the Rockridge Institute, the think tank for progressive politics. My goal of the article was to highlight the recent paper in The Journal of 9/11 Studies about acceptance of 9/11 truth to a new audience who is interested in this kind of topic, and challenge Rockridge to explore the topic of 9/11 in their work. Obviously the careful introduction is not necessary for readers of this site; I'm just cross-posting it here in case anybody wishes to comment on the issue over on Rockridge Nation.

With the sixth anniversary of the attacks of the 11th of September coming up tomorrow, I wanted to share an interesting paper I read recently and present a challenge to the Rockridge community and deep-thinkers on staff. It's about the psychological barriers that the concept of 9/11 puts in people's minds and how they react to information that lies outside of their belief systems.