
Judge Hellerstein: "strange, improbable" events in WTC7 lawsuit

"Hellerstein said it was not reasonable for Silverstein and Citigroup to foresee the 'strange, improbable, and attenuated chain of events that led to 7 World Trade Center's collapse and the crushing of Con Edison's substation.' He added: 'Nothing in common experience of history could give rise to a reasonably foreseeable risk relating to the chain of events flowing from the terrorists and their hijackings to the destruction of the Con Edison substation.'"

Citing scope of 9/11, NY judge tosses 7 WTC suit
September 23, 2011 7:21 PM

(AP) NEW YORK — In tossing out a negligence lawsuit, a judge on Friday cited the "strange, improbable" events that destroyed a 47-story World Trade Center building a decade ago on Sept. 11, several hours after the 110-story twin towers fell.

The claims by the Consolidated Edison Co. of New York were "too farfetched and tenuous" to survive, U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein said.

Wayne Madsen Report - Enron, Citinbank, Saudia Arabia, and 9/11

WTC7 housed the Securities and Exchange Commission, which was investigating Enron. Late 2001 was the time of “the height of the investigation into Enron, so the majority of Enron’s SEC filings were likely destroyed when World Trade Center 7 came down.” [Barry Zwicker, The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw]

How convenient for WTC7 to be totally destroyed and Cliff Baxter, former Enron Vice Chairman, to kill himself. Blame it on the bossa nova, er, I mean al-Qaeda. It's obvious that the financing of 9/11 is one of those intentionally underexamined points in the OTC, where more truth than fiction could be easily shaken out. What say you Sibel?

Madsen: Citibank/Citigroup back channel “Account 98″ financing of Al Qaeda 9/11 terrorists, nearly exposed by Enron’s dead Cliff Baxter. Neat package, eh?