Christine Boutin

Minister has to deny linking Bush to 9/11 attack


From The Times

July 9, 2007

Minister has to deny linking Bush to 9/11 attack

Charles Bremner in Paris

A French Cabinet minister sought yesterday to play down remarks in which she appeared to say that President Bush may have been behind the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001.

Christine Boutin, 63, Minister for Housing and Town Planning in President Sarkozy’s Government, said that her comments had been distorted in a video that was circulated on the internet.

During an interview with a small French television channel in November, Ms Boutin was asked if the Bush Administration might have been involved in the destruction of the World Trade Centre in New York, and the attack on the Pentagon. “I think it is possible,” she said.

Channel 4 News: Quarrel over Sarkozy appointment

(Watch a video of the report at the link -

Last Modified: 06 Jul 2007
By: Channel 4 News

A storm is brewing after French president Nicolas Sarkozy has appointed someone who believes George Bush was behind the September 11 attacks.

A transatlantic storm is brewing over one of the appointments to President Sarkozy's new cabinet - he appears to have given senior office to someone who thinks President Bush may have been responsible for 9/11.

It's well known that websites, books and films which challenge the official version of what happened on September 11th 2001 have proved seductive to millions, and nowhere more so than in France. For Mr Sarkozy, and his ambitions to draw closer to the United States, it may prove something of an embarrassment.

In France, a senior pol dares to question the 9/11 tale


In France, a senior pol dares to question the 9/11 tale

France's Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs,
Christine Boutin (left), with her boss, President
Nicolas Sarkozy

Today, nearly six years after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, does anyone doubt the Bush administration and the mass media's grand narrative about just who was responsible for those shocking, sudden, well-coordinated and super-destructive events?

Well, yes.

9/11: Christine Boutin, icon of conspiracy theorists


9/11: Christine Boutin, icon of conspiracy theorists

Par Pascal Riché (Rue89) 14H55 05/07/2007

The conspiracy theorists of the French website "ReOpen911," who do not believe the official version of events on September 11, 2001 now have a hero: Christine Boutin, the French Housing and Urban Affairs Minister.

Think about this: no less than a minister of the French government shares their hazy hypotheses. For the last few days, they have been sending out via e-mail, a clip from a web show hosted by Karl Zéro, a noted TV host, political gadfly and provocateur. The show was taped in November 2006, at the time when Boutin was just a zealous supporter of then-candidate Sarkozy. In it, she shares her doubts. To the question, "could Bush be behind the attacks?" she responded quite matter-of-factly. "I think that it's possible." (See the video of ReOpen911 below.)