Carol Wolman

Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?- UPDATE


Original Content at

June 15, 2009

Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?- UPDATE

By Carol Wolman

This paper was first published in Feb. 2007. It received over 100 comments at op-ed news, and I’m still getting requests from people who want to make comments, so I’m reposting it.

President Obama is continuing the 9-11 coverup. Meanwhile, more and more professionals- architects and engineers, intelligence officers, health care workers- are giving speeches denouncing the coverup, and circulating petitions to have a new, impartial investigation focusing on the question which was never asked the first time-


Why the resistance to 9-11 truth? By Carol Wolman OP Ed News

Lots of comments on this one. See Steve lesser get shellacked.


Original Content at

February 17, 2007

Why the resistance to 9-11 truth?

By Carol Wolman

Anyone who has studied 9-11 at all knows it was an inside job.

Bush was not surprised. His brother Marvin's security company closed down one tower the week before and brought in lots of cables and other equipment. The towers, including building 7, were dropped by controlled demolition. The planes provided a dramatic cover story- great pix.

Rumsfeld had control of scrambling planes transferred to himself, exclusively, a few months before, and then disappeared that morning, so no planes intercepted the four hijacked airliners. Instead, there was a "stand-down" of NORAD. By some strange coincidence, a military exercise was being run that am which simulated planes crashing into buildings, so that the air traffic controllers were confused about whether the "attack" was real or part of a drill.

Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth


Original Content at

September 7, 2008

Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth

By Carol Wolman

Here we are, 7 long years later, and they’re still getting away with it. There has been no real investigation of 9-11, and 9-11 truth advocates are still labelled “fringe”, “paranoid”, “conspiracy theorists”. The country has bought the lie. We are under a spell.

Someone asked my opponent in the coming election, Rep. Mike Thompson (Dem CA-1) whether he thought 9-11 might be an inside job. His response: “70% of the country thinks that Elvis is still alive”.

I attended a 9-11 truth rally yesterday.

Overcoming Individual Denial to 9/11 Truth Radio Show with Carol Wolman, Ken Jenkins, Chuck Millar

(Part One of a Two Part Series on Denial, Part Two will be on Overcoming Collective Denial to 9/11 Truth)

Carol Wolman, MD

Ken Jenkins

Chuck Millar

Listen Monday, June 9th, 2008, 10 pm- midnight (CST) to Questioning War-Organizing Resistance on the and to our guests- Carol Wolman, MD, Ken Jenkins, and Chuck Millar on Overcoming Individual Denial to 9/11 Truth.

California Impeachment Slate Candidates Running for Congress Press Conference in San Francisco

MC Brad Newsham (Challenging Barbara Lee)
(Photos by Tian Harter. More at

(This photo from flip side of key sign.)