George Noory - C2C - 911 Fifth Anniversary Show, David Hawkins, AJ, WingTV

George Noory - C2C - 911 Fifth Anniversary Show, Sept11-06.mp3

(28346 KB) 32kbps recording, no commercials


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" 9-11 Special

Various guests shared their research and views into what happened during the 9-11 attacks, and who was behind them. First, forensic economist David Hawkins presented his complex theory that a planned simulated sabotage exercise was used as a cover to hide explosives in the WTC buildings before 9-11. The motivation by the owners (a group that controls the huge TIAA-CREF pension fund), was to collect on the insurance money, as well as to cause America's collapse, using al Qaeda as hired mercenaries, claimed Hawkins. For more, see his article Manufactured Shock.

Next up, Victor Thorn & Lisa Guliani, the co-hosts of Wing TV, espoused the view that Israel had a central role in the 9-11 attacks, citing the behavior of a group of Israelis that were arrested in New Jersey and who may have been shadowing the al Qaeda terrorists. Thorn & Guliani also shared their belief that Flight 93 didn't actually crash in Shanksville, but rather it was a diversionary missile that left a crater there.