
Truth Bullies: Challenging Bloggers (and Businesses!) to Spread 9/11 Truth

Truth Bullies: Challenging Bloggers (and Businesses!) to Spread 9/11 Truth

It's on the tip of everyone's tongue. I just gave it a name.


I've been challenging people to talk about 9/11 Truth via my blog. I wanted to encourage others to do the same: write a blog post to someone waking them up to 9/11 Truth (just be sure to link to them in your post and click on the link a few times so you show up in their site stats). A personalized message can be very effective in waking people up, and more importantly, getting them to join us.

If you don't have a blog, or even if you do, you can write letters to bloggers to wake them up on the Truth Bullies web site.