
The Easter Bunny Comes out in Support for 9/11 Truth

This may be old news for some, but the Easter Bunny has recently come out in support of 9/11 Truth. He made his views known last week to the chagrin of some well-known television pundits. However, his new stance on 9/11 has been largely ignored by the mainstream media. Until recently, we released only photographic documentation of the Rabbit's activism, but now a short video has become available. Enjoy.


And check out the photos too!


Voters say no to new 9/11 investigation

I have to admit that I was pretty teary-eyed when I read this guys. But two to one is not bad, so chin up. At least the impeachment resolutions made it through. The message, however, is clear: We have to work harder to get our message out. And we can start by helping our own in the comments section of the current article:


Anyway, here's the link to the article and the article itself:

Source: http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070307/NEWS02/703070306&theme=BURLINGTON

Voters say no to new 9/11 investigation

By John Briggs
Free Press Staff Writer

March 7, 2007

Burlington voters Tuesday rejected a local group's call for a new investigation of the events of Sept. 11, 2001, by a nearly two-to-one ratio.

The vote was 3,150 to 1,817. The ballot question passed 39-17 in Lincoln, proponent Matthew Ennis said. The issue never generated much debate in Burlington.

"I'm very surprised," said Marc Estrin, spokesman for the Burlington group, which gained enough signatures to place the question on the ballot. "I was expecting the opposite direction."

Anti-war Icon Cindy Sheehan Supports 9/11 Truth and a New 9/11 Investigation

Speaking in Burlington, Vermont this past Friday evening, March 2nd, 2007, grieving mother, anti-war activist and author Cindy Sheehan extended her hand in support of researchers and activists skeptical of the official line on the 9/11 terror attacks and publicly questioned several key features in the establishment mythos surrounding the event.

When asked the question, “Do you buy into the government's account of events on 9/11 and if not, which part or parts do you suspect or have you proven to be false,” Sheehan:

1) called attention to the relevance of 9/11 by linking it to the claims used to justify the war in Iraq and her son's death there;
2) lent verbal support to a new, democratically-led 9/11 investigation;
3) lent verbal support and urged others to lend their support to 9/11 Truth researchers and activists;
4) referenced the video, “Loose Change” (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7866929448192753501); and
5) referenced David Ray Griffin's book, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (http://physics911.ca/pdf/2004/griffin_pearl_harbor.pdf)

A video clip of the event is posted at the following URLs:

Burlington, Vt City Council Debates the Inclusion of 9/11 Ballot Item

This is a link to a video that I produced in a hurry Monday night after the Burlington City Council Meeting. The councillors discuss the inclusion of the ballot item calling for a new 9/11 investigation.
They vote unanimously not to interfere with it after hearing three speakers from Vermonters for a New 9/11 Investigation speak. Afterwards, I got to interview Frank Haddleton from the same organization, and he gives a great explanation of what the Burlington group is trying to do.
Others have said that minutes 10 through 19 are kind of dry, but they could be interesting for people who would like to get into the nitty gritty of why 9/11 will be on the ballot on Town Meeting Day in March. You may want to skip them otherwise.
