breathtaking ignorance or paid shill?

"Yet Another Problem With the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories"

Is this really "another" problem with the "conspiracy theories?" He's using the same tired talking points used by anti-truthers for years. He actually argues that everyone in the intelligence apparatus would know the whole picture. Also notice the whole "I have personally known people in the alphabet agencies and they're not evil" b.s. He just can't seem to accept that Disney-loving, apple pie eating, baseball watching white Americans of Euro descent could be so evil. Yet he has no trouble imagining that 19 Arabs could pull off such an attack.


I was reading Karen Fish's poll when I realized one of the problems with these theories.

Let me preface this by saying, for those of you who do not know, that I lean rather strongly to the official government explanation of 9/11. I acknowledge some real deficiencies with that explanation, and I do not regard people who believe in the conspiracy theories as dumb or the tinfoil hat set (crazy). I simply view the conspiracy theories as several orders of magnitude worse and more deficient than the official explanation.