Bin Laden

Film Exposes the Seduction of Secrecy

By Jeff Stein, CQ National Security Editor

"Eight years later came 9/11, famously labeled a failure to “connect the dots.” Eyewash. The CIA, FBI and others had dots. They hoarded them like marbles."

So, was the "failure to prevent" an intentional act to further an agenda, as well as treason and mass murder by US policy makers- or more like manslaughter, only involving "incompetence", criminal negligence, dereliction of duty and horrendous administrative and policy decisions rooted in ignorance, territoriality, ego, partisanship, spite, suspicion- or just the inevitable, "blameless" result an institutionalized culture of secrecy that "supposedly" has been changed? Instead of pursuing these questions, he continues with secrecy issues, the subject of the film being reviewed (in CQ Politics). Article has a nice summary of the bin Laden satellite phone-1998 NSA leak publication-Bush propaganda. In reference to abuse of secrecy:

"Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? A government of men, as it were, not laws.

Don't know if Bin Laden is alive or dead: foreign policy expert

Don't know if Bin Laden is alive or dead: foreign policy expert

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, May 2, 2008--A scholar from a major American think tank said today it is not known whether Osama Bin Laden, the Saudi Arabian businessman and religious leader portrayed by the American government as being the impetus behind the events of 9-11, is still alive.

"It is possible that he is dead. We just don't know," said Richard Weitz, a senior fellow at the Washington D.C.-based Hudson Institute, in response to a listener's question on the program Washington Journal, aired on the cable news network C-SPAN.

Bin Laden: Key enabler of “imperial mobilization"

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization”

(and the first nuclear attack since 1945, on Iran–Pakistan)
by Zahir Ebrahim

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.


Posted on Youtube...


CIA's connection to the bombers of the World Trade Center attack in 1993, and how all of them, except for the FBI informant planted inside the group, had been on the CIA's payroll in Afghanistan fighting the Soviets before settling in the New York area.

Also examined are the entrapments of FBI infiltrated groups where an informant is planted in a so-called terrorist group, but is actually the person who organizes and is the key person in the commission of the crime.

In short this presentation is about how the U.S. government will sometimes create "terrorists" to serve a political agenda."


Joseph A. Calhoun, broadcast journalist



Quick To Defend Alleged Terrorists, CAIR Even Questioned Al Qaeda 9/11 Role

by Steven Emerson
IPT News
March 28, 2008

(Note: To see today's complete dossier installment, click here:

CAIR's soft spot for terrorists extends well beyond the Hamas connections documented in yesterday's installment in this comprehensive series on the group. Today we focus on its portrayal of virtually any law enforcement action against radical elements as an assault on all American Muslims.

· Days after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, CAIR-New York Executive Director Ghazi Khankan used an online chat with the Washington Post to launch a weeks-long campaign casting them as part of a conspiracy to discredit Muslims. Citing spurious evidence, he claimed that "many of the names of the terrorists are people impersonating innocent Muslims and Arabs."

Bin Laden's resurrection.

Look who's back in time to celebrate easter and the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
It seems strange and suspicious that Bin Laden would resurface to bing up the Danish cartoon issue of 2005 so long after the whole thing has been forgotten by the rest of the world.
"Bin Laden's message was entitled "The Response Will Be What You See, Not What You Hear," according to the password-protected Ekhlaas Web, which carries messages and statements from al Qaeda-affiliated groups around the world."
I know I'm just a paranoid conspiracy theorist but even to my fevered mentally unstable mind, this story seems concocted (and badly at that.)


Old videos new to me and probably others. They speak for themselves.

WTC7 Collapse showing minimal fires, free fall collapse, inward falling supports walls, and one helluva pyroclastic flow. The audio is quite interesting as well..

Deal for OBL in FEB, 2001..

"We just heard another explosion" 8:40 a.m. 9/11/2001

Benazir Bhutto : Bin Laden murdered

"I don't believe in Tim Osman "

Benazir Bhutto Names Osama Bin Laden's Murderer on Nov 2, 2007 David Frost Program

Thursday December 27, 2007
Benazir Bhutto Names Osama Bin Laden's Murderer on Nov 2, 2007 David Frost Program Discussing Perpetrators Of Unsuccessful Bombing Attack Upon Her

* source =

More MP3 Audio Clips >

(great find drunkhorse!)

Saudi Arabia's Interior Minister Prince Nayef said,"Bin Laden was a "tool" of others rather than the mastermind of 9/11"

An article from USA Today dated 2/06/2002, contains compelling statements made by Saudi Arabia's Interior Minister Prince Nayef. He said, Bin Laden was a "tool" of others rather than the mastermind of the attacks against the World Trade Center, Pentagon and in Pennsylvania. He did not say who he thought was the mastermind."

Interestingly enough, I came across this article cited by a debunking website as proof all the 9/11 hi-jackers are dead. Prince Nayef alleges that Saudi leaders were shocked to learn 15 of the hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. "The names that we got confirmed that," Nayef said in an interview. "Their families have been notified." However, the most interesting thing about this article was apparently not noticed by our OCT clinger and instead a rather vague remark about contacting the family members of the 15 Saudi hi-jackers is cited as proof positive they are all dead.

Messages From Bin Laden Since 9-11

Messages From Bin Laden Since 9-11

Associated Press tabulation of messages supposedly from Bin Laden, since 9/11. Please write to them; they forgot the first 2, very important messages from Bin Laden after 9/11, where he denies responsibility; in the Sept 28 message, he points the finger at US intelligence agencies

Who was behind 9/11? – an interview with Osama Bin Laden By The Daily Ummat of Karachi Sept. 28, 2001

Dead or Alive: Bin Laden's Just a Prop in the War on Terror

Whether Bin Laden is dead or alive, it is clear that the U.S. is using him as a prop for propaganda purposes.


If Bin Laden is alive, the U.S. has missed numerous slam-dunk opportunities to capture or kill him. Don't believe me? Read this:

Iridium, Hasan Bin Laden, and the Saudi Bin Laden Group

i was doing a little research on Iridium satellite system.

Iridium was supposed to offer communications to anyone anywhere
even remote areas, because it was a satellite system and not land towers.

As an RF (cellular - radio) engineer for SPINT PCS, i first became interested in 9/11
when i heard about those cell phone calls.
They didnt happen, at least NOT at 35,000ft
We now have a video of Deana Burnette saying that she saw Tom's phone # on her caller ID.
This goes directly against what the GOV said, that only FELT, and CeeCee Lyles
were using cell phones.
Ill post more about cell phones later,
but now, back to Iridium...

This is pretty old, i think FEMA already does use them.
"DOD reserves gateway to Iridium's global satellite service; other agencies mayfollow
The Defense Department is the largest single customer for Iridium LLC’s financially troubled global satellite communications service.
DOD has reserved one of the consortium’s 12 ground gateways capable of serving up to 120,000 users and 1,000 simultaneous calls. The Army, Navy and Air Force are testing ways to integrate the Iridium satellite network into their communications plans.

Fear Factor - Bryan Sacks of 911truth and Collateral reports on the bin Laden "Confession Tape".

Fear Factor – A Woodshop Productions documentary

September 18, 2007 – This short documentary produced by Woodshop Productions and narrated by Bryan Sacks discusses the research of Muckraker Report contributing writer, Maher Osseiran regarding the videotape of Osama bin Laden that was released by the federal government on December 13, 2001. The documentary also addresses the effort of the Muckraker Report, through the use of Freedom of Information Act requests, to obtain any documentation from the government that demonstrates the chain of custody of the video from the time it was obtained, through the authenticity process (if any), until such time that it was released to the media.

Posted by Ed Haas on The Muckraker Report on September 18, 2007.