bin laden killing

U.S. officials checking copy of soon-to-be published book ‘No Easy Day,’ an ex-Navy SEAL’s account of raid that killed Osama bin


TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2012, 2:48 AM



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The upcoming book 'No Easy Day.'
WASHINGTON - U.S. officials said Monday that they are reviewing a copy of a soon-to-be-published account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, checking for leaks of classified information.

Pentagon spokesman George Little said Defense Department officials "received the manuscript and we are looking at it."

CIA spokesman Preston Golson would only say that "the CIA has a copy of the book."

The book, "No Easy Day," is scheduled for publication on Sept. 11.

The author, a former Navy SEAL who participated in the raid, did not submit the book for pre-publication review that is required by the military secrecy agreements officials say he signed.

Pentagon regulations stipulate that retired personnel, former employees and non-active duty members of the Reserves "shall use the DoD security review process to ensure that information they submit for public release does not compromise national security."

Pentagon officials say that if they determine the manuscript reveals classified information about the raid, the Pentagon would "defer to the Department of Justice."

If there is classified information in the book, the former SEAL could face criminal charges.

Media Roots Radio Transcript: Breaking Apart the 9/11 Coincidence Theory


MEDIA ROOTS – This is the re-release of a special 2 hour 20 minute episode of Media Roots Radio about 9/11, now fully sourced and transcribed below. In this edition, Abby and Robbie Martin introduce how their political awakenings were prompted by 9/11, and break apart the official government and corporate media narrative of the 9/11 attacks by discussing the foreknowledge, government complicity, and gross inconsistencies regarding every aspect of the events. The show then delves into the aftermath: the psychological manipulation of the American psyche and the significance that this event continues to have in our nation and world.


Anthrax Attack on Train is coming (False flag attack blamed on Pakistan)

Anthrax Attack on Train is coming (False flag attack blamed on Pakistan)

May 1 - Media reports Bin Laden killed.

May 2 - U.S government orders millions of fresh Anthrax vaccine (Spending millions it can not afford)-

Time line-Feb 20 - Yahoo news reports Raymond Davis gave bomb material to al-Qaeda in Pakistan-

April 19 - Small town in U.S holds Anthrax drill-

April 26 - Media reports al-Qaeda plots biological attack if Bin Laden killed-

May 1 - Media reports Bin Laden killed.

May 2 - U.S government orders millions of fresh Anthrax vaccine (Spending millions it can not afford)-

May 3 - Media reports Anthrax vaccine never tested on children and they would be first to receive it.
Millions of Anthrax vaccine bought in 2007 has a shelf live of 3-4 years-