Beit Shalom Ministries

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Back Beit Shalom Ministries

This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes back to the program Brothers Raymond and Elliott of Beit Shalom Ministries for an update on the Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth.  The brothers share some of their experiences including an update on the illegal kidnapping of Raymond's son Deven by Kansas state authorities as well as the arrest and detention of Brother Elliott by the West Terre Haute Police Department in the state of Indiana.

Protesters: West Terre Haute police abused power

beitshalom.JPGProtesters: West Terre Haute police abused power
Arrest raises questions of when it’s OK for officers to ask for ID; men considering lawsuit
By Deb McKee

The Tribune-Star
WEST TERRE HAUTE Two men walking across the nation to protest the Iraq war say police officers in West Terre Haute violated their constitutional rights last week when one of the men was arrested for failing to produce identification.

Police say the request for identification was legitimate, and the arrest lawful.

Please Support Beit Shalom Ministries; A Message From Michael Wolsey


Michael Wolsey

Dear Friends-

Most of my listeners are aware of Beit Shalom Ministries and their Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth, which is currently underway. Brothers Raymond and Elliott have been big supporters of Colorado 9-11 Visibility and my program, Visibility 9-11. They are currently transversing the state of Indiana, and are making good progress and spreading their message of “Real Christians Don’t Choose War” and “Stop the 9-11 Cover-Up”. In order to continue on this important and history making journey, the brothers need your help.

Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Mario Penalver of March of the People

Visibility 9-11 welcomes to the program this week, Mario Penalver, founder of  March of the People

Mario and friends will embark on the March of the People, a walk to protest the criminal Bush regime and the Iraq war, on June 21, 2007 in Chicago and ending on September 11th, 2007 in Washington D.C.  The March of the People plan to join up with the  Beit Shalom Ministries  Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth in Pittsburgh.  This represents a significant step forward in the overdue mergence of the anti-war and 9-11 Truth groups.  Special thanks to Mario and everyone at March of the People for having the guts to take down the gates. 

Beit Shalom Ministries Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth Continues

Beit Shalom Ministries Denver to D.C.
Walk for Truth Continues

Lawrence Journal-World

Christians protesting war pass through city
By George Diepenbrock
May 9, 2007

Link to original story.

For the second time in a week, someone walking to Washington, D.C., in protest of the Iraq war has stopped in Lawrence.

"It's been pretty receptive compared to other places. I haven't seen much anger really. People have been pretty open-minded," said Elliott Nesch, 22, Fort Collins, Colo.

Nesch and Raymond Schwab, 32, Loveland, Colo., have walked for Beit Shalom Ministries since March 1, when they left Denver for Washington, D.C., to protest evangelical churches supporting the Iraq war.

On Tuesday, they walked from the Statehouse in Topeka east on U.S. Highway 40 and did not quite reach Lawrence until Schwab's wife picked them up in their recreational vehicle in the evening.

Protesters stop off at Hays for a few days


Apr. 6, 2007

Reception to placard-waving group has been mixed


Hays Daily News

Two Colorado men seen standing on Hays street corners holding signs are trying to spread a message they believe is vitally important.

Elliott Nesch, 22, and Raymond Schwab 31, are stopped in Hays as part of a cross-country trip from Denver to Washington. They call their trip the “Walk for Truth.”

Their reception in Hays has been mixed. Passers-by have been curious and have sometimes hurled angry words.

The placards Nesch and Schwab hold have slogans such as “Stop the 9/11 coverup” and “Real Christians don’t choose war.”

The most frequent response the pair have encountered, at Hays as well as other towns they have visited, has been a gesture.

“Many, many fingers” Schwab said. “I think the 9/11 sign shocks people.”

Beit Shalom Ministries Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth


This week Visibility 9-11 chronicles the beginning of the Beit Shalom Ministries Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth by welcoming Brothers Raymond and Elliott to the program. Kicking off their journey across the country, the brothers held a rally at the Colorado state capitol and began the walk on March 1st, 2007. The brothers have now transversed the eastern plains of Colorado and are now in western Kansas where they shared their experiences, both good and bad in the police state that was once America.

Listen here.

Intermission music from MySpace Music featuring Jesse Goplen.

Beit Shalom Ministries Begin Historic Walk Across America


Activists Protest Christian Support of the Wars and the September 11th Cover-Up


Today, March 1st, 2007 was a historic day that went completely unnoticed by the main stream media in Denver Colorado. September 11th questioners have become accustomed to such blatant disregard, so I felt that call to “be the media” with this article for my friends, Brother Raymond and Brother Elliott. This is what should have been, but was not reported on by the Denver Post, The Rocky Mountain News, and other media outlets in the Denver area.

Today, these young truth seekers embarked on a journey which will not only test their physical endurance and mental clarity, but will also call on them to rely more heavily on their faith than at any other time in their lives. After a two hour rally on the capitol steps in Denver, Brother Raymond and Brother Elliott began their Denver to D.C. Walk for Truth in protest of the illegal and un-Constitutional wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the crimes of 9-11 and subsequent cover-up.

I first met Brother Elliott not long after I went public with my 9-11 activism here in Colorado. I was impressed with his enthusiasm for the truth, and specifically for 9-11 truth. I was also impressed with the fact that Elliot was only 19 years old when we first met. Elliott contributed much time in our efforts here in Northern Colorado, helping to organize town hall meetings, video screenings, burning DVD’s and more. When he broke off from our group to do other things, I fully supported his decisions, but his help was very much missed.

Beit Shalom Ministries' Walk For Truth Needs Volunteers

Please join up if you can: 

Beit Shalom Ministries

Contact: Brother Raymond
970-988-4929 or

Beit Shalom Ministries Walk For Truth needs volunteers in the states of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and the DC area to coordinate activities. We need people to help organize rallies, contact media, and arrange for speaking engagements. The time of our departure is drawing near. This walk will be as successful in raising 9/11 awareness as the people make it by walking with us, challenging your pastors to allow us to speak, and organizing events on Campuses of the Major universities in each of those states.