Barry Shainbaum

Kevin Ryan, Paul McArthur & Adnan Zuberi on "Perspectives with Barry Shainbaum"

Sunday, September 15th, 2013
Listen Live:
FAITH FM CJTW 94.3, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Barry Shainbaum, a notable radio host and author, will be interviewing Kevin Ryan, author of Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects , Dr. Paul McArthur, Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, and Adnan Zuberi, Director & Producer of the documentary 9/11 in the Academic Community.

Please inform your friends of Barry Shainbaum's radio show.

Kevin Ryan, Paul McArthur & Adnan Zuberi on "Perspectives with Barry Shainbaum"

Barry Shainbaum, a notable radio host and author, will be interviewing Kevin Ryan, author of Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects , Dr. Paul McArthur, Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Western Ontario, and Adnan Zuberi, Director & Producer of the documentary 9/11 in the Academic Community.

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

Please inform your friends of Barry Shainbaum's radio show.

Defense Accountant Speaks Out: $Millions Missing in Pentagon

On September 10, 2001, $2.3 trillion were announced to have gone missing from the Pentagon. Radio Host Barry Shainbaum will be interviewing Jim Minnery, a military accountant, Elyria, OH., and Dina Rasor, investigative journalist, San Francisco, CA.

Upcoming Radio Show: Jan. 13, 2013, Sundays 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. EST. Topic: Pentagon spending & accounting

Sibel Edmonds, Graeme MacQueen to appear on Barry Shainbaum Show on Sept 12

Tune in to the Barry Shainbaum radio show on September 12, 2010 at 12:30pm EDT, for interviews with former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds and professor Graeme MacQueen.

To listen to the show, or to download the podcast, visit, or tune in to Faith FM, 94.3, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

The interview will be podcast Sept. 13,, and in the iTunes store.