Baker-Christopher Commission

A Government of People, After All By David Michael Green (The Regressive Antidote)

From an email today from the Regressive Antidote . . . Great last line: "It’s just the people who were missing." --Betsy

"Greetings, Good People -

I hope this message finds you well, happy and productive!

Hey, the Iraq war was a total debacle, right? Right! So, we need to reform our political system to insure that that never happens again, right? Right! So, who do you think might be a good choice to lead a bipartisan commission looking into this question and recommending new war powers legislation? How about James Baker, the guy who trashed the Constitution in order to install Bush Junior on the throne in the first place? Or, how about Warren Christopher, the guy who stood by and watched it all happen? Hey, I know, how about both of them together? Great idea! Read all about their cool plans for making a bad situation worse in:

A Government of People, After All


Check it out. And while you're there, be sure to also have a look at these regular features: The Regressive Watch and Quote For The Week.

Till next time, be well!

Cheers -