
Why we should no longer tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories about Arabs and Muslims...

Bill Maher is considered by most people to be a lefty liberal entertainer, and typifies the bankrupt gatekept left in America that assumes the moral high ground in opposing Bush but have no problem perpetuating a blood libel against Arabs and Muslims. How is Bill Maher, and others like him, any different than those who wrote and have promoted the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? Answer: Unlike the Protocols, very few people know that Maher and otehrs like him are frauds.

The 9/11 Truth Movement is now strong enough that we should be taking a strong stand against unfounded allegation of Arab/Muslim involvement in the attacks of 9/11. If not us, who? If not now, then when?

We have very properly marginalized intolerant voices like Eric Hufschmid--why do we not hold Bill Maher to the same standard and call him and others out for their clear bigotry against the new global scapegoats?

Excerpted from Why is Anti-Muslim Bigotry Tolerated?
Bill Maher's "Towel-Headed Hos"