American Behavioral Scientist

9/11 on

It's encouraging to see that Lew Rockwell is beginning to address 9/11 forthrightly.

State Crimes Against Democracy by Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff

New research in the journal American Behavioral Scientist (Sage publications, February 2010) addresses the concept of “State Crimes Against Democracy” (SCAD). …

SCAD Article by Elizabeth Woodworth on Op Ed News and on COTO Report Now

The article by Elizabeth Woodworth on State Crimes Against Democracy and The February 2010 issue of the American Behavioral Scientist is now on Op Ed News. I have reproduced the text of the article in this post for those who are new to the conversation, but comments would be best left on the referenced sites, if you are so inclined. Again, please note that the whole journal issue may be purchased for $24. Our cause might be better served by supporting the publishers. From Elizabeth Woodworth I have this:

"It's now confirmed that the February edition is available in print, and can be ordered for $24 for the whole issue.

Contact SAGE Journals Customer Service department via e-mail at or phone 1-800-818-7243 then hit #2, then #0 for operator, then ask for "Journals", and they will mail a copy.

Otherwise individual papers cost $25 to be viewed for one day, on the journal's website, and cannot be downloaded from it. (Because the pdf could be freely circulated if it were downloadable)."

Entire February 2010 Issue of the American Behavioral Scientist Devoted to State Crimes Against Democracy: The Case of 9/11/2001

By Elizabeth Woodworth, Professional Librarian

For 50 years the American Behavioral Scientist has been a leading source of behavioral research for the academic world. Its influence is shown by the fact that it is indexed by an extraordinary 67 major database services, causing its papers to be widely exposed on the international scene.

The publisher, Sage, is headquartered in Los Angeles, with offices in London, New Delhi, Singapore, and Washington DC.

Each issue offers comprehensive analysis of a single topic.

The six papers in the February 2010 issue are devoted to the recent concept of "State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD's)," with emphasis on 9/11 and on how human behavior has failed to recognize its reality. [Ref. ]

Original article at