Giuliani protest activism

Report from the Giuliani protest in Sacramento

Saturday, Feb 10, 2007

Thanks to 911blogger member Randy for alerting me that Rudy Giuliani was in town today. I read the news shortly after waking up, and had enough time to put together a sign and get downtown. The sign reads as follows (It was Ken Eichler's idea.)

RUDY, WHO TOLD YOU THE TOWERS WOULD FALL? (Search YouTube for "Giuliani 9/11")

There was a protest being organized by local talk show host Christine Craft, and she had some amusing signs made that read "Hey Rudy, Surge This!" The 50 or so people who showed up were more focused on anti-war than pro-Truth. Nevertheless I got compliments on my sign, and got the impression that many of them already knew about 9/11. I also got a chance to hand out a lot of literature.

One of the highlights was walking by the hotel where the California republican convention was being held and showing my sign to the guests through the large windows. They were queued in a narrow hallway next to the sidewalk and couldn't miss me. Needless to say, I didn't get many thumbs up from them.