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9/11 Truth Next Steps - Butterflies and Guy Fawkes

I don't remember when exactly I decided that the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) was undoubtedly an inside job. I'm certain that it wasn't long after 9/11 because the videos of the collapse raised real questions early for me. However, it's now a decade after the event and a large portion of the US population hasn't seen the physical problems connected with the government's explanation of how those buildings fell. I'm beginning to think that my "seeing" the impossibility of the government's conspiracy theory (GCT) when looking at videos of the falling buildings is largely a wiring thing.

Some people have brains that always seem to know where they are in physical space, others couldn't find north with a compass. So it must be with understanding how physical forces work together. It's totally obvious to me that the symmetry of the debris falling straight down through what should have been largely undamaged lower floors of the Twin Towers and Building 7 at free fall speed (the path of most resistance) means that none of these buildings fell because of fire or because planes hit two of them. Some other force had to remove the support extremely symmetrically in the lower floors. However, most of the people I know don't seem to have the same reaction to this evidence.