
911TruthCoalition.org, com, net & info Up for Renewal June 12

just got the renewal notice- I've been sitting on these domain names and haven't organized a coalition; i'd be happy to donate 1 or all of these over to a person or group with a track record of integrity in truth activism that wants to build a transparent and accountable coalition around the idea of 9/11 Truth and Justice- i think it would be great if the many diverse nodes of the 9/11 Truth Movement could lend our collective support to certain issues/ideas/actions that we can all agree on, and also build bridges with other progressive/constitutional-true conservative orgs- for instance, afterdowningstreet.org, democrats.com and progressive democrats of america have promoted 9/11 Press for Truth, and 81% think the Bush Administration is "mostly lying" or "hiding something". 51% support investigating the Bush Administration for 9/11. SaveTheInternet.com was instrumental in killing the anti-net neutrality bill in 2006.

Dear Erik Larson,

The following domain name(s) are set to automatically renew on the expiration date(s) listed:

911TRUTHCOALITION.COM - Jun. 12, 2008
911TRUTHCOALITION.INFO - Jun. 12, 2008
911TRUTHCOALITION.NET - Jun. 12, 2008