9/11 Remains

NYC Shuts 9/11 Remains Sifting Facility

Source: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5ilrvwWZJK5BHZzncU3lZInAdkHsQD8TFL4O01

NYC Shuts 9/11 Remains Sifting Facility


NEW YORK (AP) — The city has closed a facility where debris was sifted for Sept. 11 victims' remains, but the search won't end until after the World Trade Center site is rebuilt, a city official said Tuesday.

Ongoing construction around ground zero — including the dismantling of a toxic skyscraper that caught fire in August — could put off a complete search of areas believed to contain human remains for years, according to a memo by Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler.

"At no point in the near future would it be prudent to declare this search `over,'" Skyler wrote to Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The discovery of more than 80 bones in a manhole at ground zero in October 2006 prompted an expanded search of nearby rooftops, manholes and sewer lines for bone fragments of victims of the terrorist attacks. Hundreds of bones were found beginning in 2005 at the former Deutsche Bank tower across from the trade center site.

Workers Finish Searching Deutsche Bank Building For 9/11 Remains

Source: http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=8&aid=70323


Workers Finish Searching Deutsche Bank Building For 9/11 Remains

June 02, 2007

The city said Saturday that workers have finished scouring a service road and a building near the World Trade Center for human remains.

In all, about 1,400 human bone fragments were found at the former Deutsche Bank building and on a road used by construction vehicles to get in and out of the site.

Many of them were found after search efforts were renewed when utility workers found body parts in a manhole in October.

Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler says the city is now searching a sewer line beneath the site for September 11th remains. It also needs to comb through 1,000 cubic yards of debris from ramps that led to the tower and search the roofs of 130 Cedar Street and Fiterman Hall.

That work should be done by November.