911 insurance fraud

Embezzled Money Is Used to Pay Insurance Claims

It is a well kept secret that insurance companies are not required to account for the source of money to pay claims. The relationship between 9/11 and insurance industry money laundering needs further investigation by researchers who have more time and resources than I do.

Larry Silverstein's settlement for the WTC destruction of 9/11 was fraudulent. He received much more than the appraised value of the buildings. Why did the insurance companies not prosecute Silverstein for fraud? It wasn't insurance company money used to pay the settlement. http://www.911blogger.com/node/8886

No regulatory agency oversees that insurance claims are actually paid with insurance company money. Insurance companies accept embezzled money to pay claims. The embezzled money cannot be traced back to its original source.

Here is a documented example. From: http://www.mackwhite.com/Yogurt1.html