911 Hero Whistleblower

WTC hit job

WTC hit job

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday took a break from head-scratching over the salmonella that has felled people from coast to coast, walloped U.S. agriculture and made Americans worry their next salad might be their last.

Dr. Julie Gerberding had something more important to take care of - to wit, a bureacratic revenge killing.

Perhaps thinking no one would notice on the eve of the Fourth of July weekend, Gerberding fired Dr. John Howard http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/John+Howard as head of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/National+Institute+for+Occupational+Safety+and+Health . This was payback, and the orders had to have come from the top, straight from U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Michael+Leavitt .

The BBC2's 9.11 "Conspiracy-Files": Just a cynical MSM debunking exercise?

Last Sept/Oct I spoke on the phone, several times, to the senior BBC radio producer:

A... Armstrong (for their anonymity)
Senior Producer, BBC World Current Affairs
Room 1252, BBC White City, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS
Tel: 020 8752 6902

They knew about their colleague Guy Smith’s forthcoming 9.11 'Conspiracy Files' programme and asked me if I could forward or contribute information that would help in the production.
I smelt a bit of a rat at the time, unfortunately, since I was currently embroiled in a discussion with the above office as to why an otherwise undeniable piece of solid first-hand testimony including allusions to an explosion near the roof of the South-tower, had been retrospectively edited from a BBC radio 9.11 5th anniversary transmission.
I was working from the testimony of Beverly Eckert, a 911 widow, once member of ' Voices of September 11', whose husband Sean Rooney had worked on floor 92 of that building as vice-president of Aon Risk Management Services.

911 Hero/Whistleblower Raided by SWAT Team


This man was one of the speakers on Saturday night in NYC.
Read what happened to him after he got home from the 5year anniversary.
TOTAL B.S.!!!!!!!!!!!!!