9/11 10th anniversary

Two physicists with Defense Industry ties debate the science of the collapse of the twin towers with Richard Gage & Neils Harrit

KPFA – hour two of debate – moderator Mickey Huff on The Science around the Twin Towers collapse.

911’s Footprint on America ten years later - September 11, 2011 at 4:00pm

Click to listen (or download)

This debate was held in New York on the 10th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

French Doc Featuring Remember Building 7 to Air September 4


M6, one of France’s largest TV channels, will air a documentary on September 4th that follows the stories of several 9/11 family and first responder groups, including the Remember Building 7 campaign.

(click graphic to watch trailer)

This is only the first of at least a dozen stories that foreign news organizations will be doing on the Remember Building 7 campaign around the 10th Anniversary. With this unprecedented level of media coverage bringing our message to tens of millions of people, combined with the 10th Anniversary Campaign, the Toronto Hearings and the release of 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out, the 10th Anniversary promises to be a breakthrough moment in the pursuit of a new 9/11 investigation.


Please support all three efforts at once by going to RememberBuilding7.org/10 and making your pledge to donate between September 1 and 11. So far we have reached almost 600 pledges – please help us reach 1,000 by next Thursday September 1 when we begin accepting donations.



10th Anniversary Campaign TV Ad

Watch the new TV ad campaign by Remember Builing 7

More info on the 10th anniversary campaign at http://rememberbuilding7.org/10/



Place classified ads

"North Texans for 9/11 Truth" would like to encourage individuals and groups to place classified ads and to utilize other promotional vehicles. Anyone can do this.

9/11 10th Anniversary - Unite in the Streets and Demand a New Investigation

9/11/2011 - Ten Years, No Justice


Please share this video far and wide. Comment, hit the like button, and please subscribe. Be a part of history on September 11, 2011. Come to New York City and stand with us. It's time to unite in the streets and demand a new investigation.