14 points of agreement

Active Thermitic Material and 14 Points of Agreement article links broken - Articles still available elsewhere.

Journalof911Studies.com and other sites provide broken links to peer reviewed papers.

The links that are currently provided were valid prior to a redesign of the Benthan web site.

Since the Benthan site has been changed, I have not been able to access the following articles through the Benthan site:

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the WTC Destruction

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Copies of the original papers ARE STILL AVAILABLE at the following locations:

A pdf copy of the 14 Points of Agreement paper is at

A pdf copy of the Active Thermitic Material Paper is at

benthan-open.org no longer seems to be a supported web site URL.

The new top level URL seems to be http://www.bentham.org/open/index.htm

It seems that bentham is only allowing free access to the CURRENT ISSUE of each of their open journals. In order to see an article from a previous issue, it looks like one must order and pay for a reprint.