11th of every month France 2009 Onze Bouge

Onze Bouge 11/01/2008 every 11th of the month in France

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

BONNE ANNEE 2009 à tous.

The 11th of this month falls well ( a Sunday) and I could be present on the market at Herblay. Very cold day with the snow still there but a sun to heat us up a bit.

Despite being alone on the market, many people encouraged me to continue and we had many very interesting exchanges of view. Expecially on the hope that Barack Obama will put the country and world right.

Personally, studying the curriculum vitae of Obama's chosen conseillers like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Robert Gates, Richard Clarke , Madeleine Albright , ... Realising that Barack Obama is a CIA, FBI "hostage" (he will be well protected if he toes the line other wise he will be feed to the national front dogs like JFK) I think the change will be limited and a surprise massive air attack on Iran is still very possible.

I distributed 11 dvds with the documentaries "911 Mysteries" , "Loose Change" , "Confronting the evidence" , "Press for truth", ... Hoping I will have some feed back on these vidéos. Positif or negatif will be welcome.