Scenes from NYC

Take Action September 11

9/11 Truth Now on the News Corporation screen at Times Square

We Are Change live webcasting

Interviewed for Argentinian TV

Rally at Times Square

Dean and Jethro from London

Rudy from southern France

Outside CNN

Family member Manny Badillo outside the CFR

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Nuff Said - You Guys and Gals ROCK !!!

Watch live video and chat


Here's a story for you. Why don't you do a show on why reporters don't have spines.


Just saw Michele Little speak, and she looked very good (the sound wasn't working). Thank you to the FealGood Foundation for giving her the money needed for her plane fare.

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks


Including when Alex Jones was released following his arrest on Saturday night...

--- My Fave (not long after his release, with some of the group that waited outside the police station)

Best wishes

Thanks for the photos

Herblay France

Thanks for the photos. This way we here in France feel we are with you in New York.

Noticed the photo with banner "Europe with you , www.REOPEN911.INFO"

This week-end Prof David Ray Griffin will be with us in Paris.

Please put the video of "The truth of 9/11 is Ready For Mainstream!" on




"Cogito ergo sum"

a few more pics here

nice work everyone

nice work everyone

Great pictures!

Great pictures!

Hey, I used to work with that guy Manny Badillo...

Hey, Manny!

If you happen to read this... Good going! 911 Truth, dude OORAH!

I used to work with you and Chris and Rick and Fausto and all the sexy secretaries down in Boca Raton!

Drop me a line!

Awesome Guys !


Amazing that people are

Amazing that people are flying in all the way from London and France!

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Well Done!

Those of us who cannot be there are with you in spirit!

The Eleventh Day of Every

All of you are..........

American heros...........Thank you!


I got to shake your hand

I got to shake your hand there, Jon!

Me: Jon Gold.

You: Uh, hi.



The doorway as I was leaving? I believe I said, "Uh, hi... your name?" I'm not used to people knowing me, and me not knowing them. Hence, the look on my face. I think I also met "greenback" from

A "Full And Complete Accounting" Of The 9/11 Attacks


that was me. it was an honor to shake your hand sir.

you did have a funny look on your face though. i did that to a couple people the 3 days i was in NY. :)
but i must say, seeing ellen mariani speak and getting drenched in the rain at GZ and WTC 7 was the highlight of my stay.

My 9/11/2007 Promo Videos:
We Are Change 1
We Are Change 2



Really good seeing you too, man - just wish we had a bit more time to hang out.

Nice job introducing Mr. Feal.

I spent the last 3 hours of sunlight on 9-11-07 on the corner at ground zero, talking with two first responders - an amazing unforgettable experience. I was actually supposed to be speaking at the church at that time and didn't know it, but I wouldn't trade that experience for anything.

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Great Job as always

I just have one question to ask you folks in NYC, this is a question I ask myself every single morning when watching the today show "Why do I not see 9/11 is an inside job signs/shirts springing up in the crowd every morning to be broadcast on national TV"?
I look hard at every person as they pass the camera around the crowd and I have never once seen any...Same goes for Good Morning America which I had to stop watching because they are such blatant Reich wing Nazi's on that show I just couldn't take it anymore.

IS there some reason for this? Do they strip search the crowd and arrest people with any 9/11 truth material?

Fiction and

Fiction and Reality

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

From Dylan Avery over at LC - Union Square, 9/9/2007

beautiful. "The Central


"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

So whatever happened to Mark Roberts?

Shouldn't this be his gig? Or is he hiding until the 11th is gone? ;-P
Impeachment. Accountability. A better world.