The X-Files 2016 and 9/11

FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner: “Since 9/11, this country has taken a big turn in a very strange direction.”
Fox Mulder: “They police us, spy on us, tell us that makes us safer. We’ve never been in more danger.”

O’Malley: “…In a state of perpetual war to create “problem” “reaction” “solution” scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home. (photos of George Bush on ship in Iraq) With tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act which abridge the Constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of the police force in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, even the military in clandestine agendas to fatten, dullen, sicken and control the populace already consumed by consumerism.”
(video clip of Bush just after 9/11/2001): “…and I encourage you all to go shopping more.”
O’Malley: “A government that taps your phone, collects your data, and monitors your whereabouts with impunity. A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes. And the final takeover begins.”….

Article from “The Daily Beast”
The X-Files’ Chris Carter Defends Premiere

…It’s a paranoid conservative talk-show host by the name of Tad O’Malley (Joel McHale, channeling Bill O’Reilly on speed) who gets the gang back together again. He contacts Mulder, who in turn seeks out Scully, to “blow up the most evil conspiracy the world has ever known”: a New World Order-like effort by the world’s governments to “fatten, dullen, and sicken” the world’s population, surveil its every move and, eventually, take over…

…But Carter, whose interest in the New World Order was sparked by Internet conspiracy sites and visits to conventions exploring subjects like the secret space program, maintains he was strictly discerning about which theories might actually work for the show.

“I didn’t just throw everything but the kitchen sink in, you know,” he says. “I really went through and chose the things that have some kernel of truth or, if not, some element of fear in them for everyone. It’s not just done carelessly, and it also does not necessarily represent my or the other producers’ point of view.”

In that way, he says, he shares Dana Scully’s philosophy. “I’m a skeptic by nature,” he says. “With this New World Order and with aliens and also the paranormal, you’ve got to prove it to me. That poster in Mulder’s office that says ‘I Want to Believe’ is pretty much my point of view. I wanna believe this stuff, but without proof or evidence, I’m reluctant.

“The show is really Scully’s show in the sense that science, real science, is the anchor,” he adds. “And if it weren’t for Scully, Mulder would just be a kook.”

The 58-year-old writer, surfer, and ex-journalist’s lifelong obsession with questioning the “truth” handed to us by authorities is at the heart and origins of The X-Files, which has relentlessly advised viewers for decades to “trust no one.”

“Watergate and the resignation of Richard Nixon happened while I was in my civics class in high school,” Carter says. “It was a big thing to me, and I think there was a residual effect for everyone of my generation, well into the ’90s.”

Generation X looked to The X-Files to channel its jaded distrust in authority—but that all changed, Carter says, on 9/11, a day that scarred the American psyche and left it looking to the government for hope rather than scrutinizing its every move.

“We [the writing and producing staff] went to work the day of the World Trade Center events,” Carter remembers. “And people were crying at work and it was just tragic and unsettling. It soon became clear that this was going to change everything in the country and, less importantly, for our TV show.

“We saw clearly that there was a much minimized interest in government conspiracies. [Instead] we put all our trust and faith in the government to protect us. And while The X-Files questions authority, we [Americans at the time] were searching for someone to protect us and provide us with homeland security.”

Today, in what Carter calls our post-Edward Snowden “Citizenfour world,” there has been a resurgence in mistrust in the government, spurred in part by the NSA’s breaches of privacy—making 2016 the perfect time, he says, to finally reopen the X-Files.

“So many of the rights and liberties that we gave up willingly have been abused,” he says. “The government admits it’s spying on us—presumably for our own good, but this is a frightening thing. A lot of people my age recognize that there is a lot of potential for abuse. People give up their privacy so willingly now, believing that if you’ve got nothing to hide, why not, but without understanding that that could also lead you down the path to injustice, that what you say today could be used against you tomorrow. What you buy today could be used against you tomorrow.”

“There’s a whiff of fascism there,” he adds. “These are frightening prospects for me.”

To Carter, the xenophobia and destructive rhetoric trumpeted by high-profile presidential candidates is a grim foreshadowing of the abuses of power inherent in Tad O’Malley’s vision of the future….

Article from “The Daily Beast”
Gillian Anderson: I Was Offered Half Duchovny’s Pay for ‘The X-Files’ Revival

…Anderson, like Carter, says a resurgence of distrust in the American government, induced by everything from the NSA’s breaches of privacy to the lunacy of the current election cycle, have helped carve a place in 2016 for the opening of new X-Files—a marked shift from the end of the show’s original run, shortly after the events of September 11th.

“[The end of The X-Files] was during the Bush administration, and we learned very, very quickly after 9/11 that people couldn’t speak up openly in public about what they thought we should do, or shouldn’t be doing as the result,” Anderson says. “Most of our show up until that point was—and still is—about government conspiracies. There are conspiracies now about the government having known about or having caused [9/11], or about it being a ruse and an excuse for us to go into Iraq—but it became no longer OK for people to accuse government of being deceitful or untrustworthy. And that was the backbone of our show.”….

Episode 1 “My Struggle”
(Aired January 24, 2016)

“Truth Squad with Tad O’Malley” News Show
O’Malley: “It comes down to this: It is a mainstream, liberal media lying to you about life, liberty and your god given right to bear fire arms. 9/11 was a false flag operation. It was a warm up to World War Three. Now hear me on this. It is all part of a conspiracy dating back to the UFO crash at Roswell.”


FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner: “Since 9/11, this country has taken a big turn in a very strange direction.”
Fox Mulder: “They police us, spy on us, tell us that makes us safer. We’ve never been in more danger.”


Mulder: “The tentacles reach far back into the last century. But it wasn’t until victories in Europe and Japan, and the onset of the Cold War that political and economic conditions became perfect for actual execution. A conspiracy bigger and more secret than the Manhattan Project.”
O’Malley: “More odious and far reaching.”
Mulder: “No sooner than we defeated Germany than a new threat started appearing in skies over America drawn to Earth by the latest threat to extinction, the H bomb. Explosions acting as transducers drawing alien life forms through worm holes in spaceships using electro-gravitic propulsion. Advanced extra-terrestrial species visiting us, concerned for mankind and the threat of our self-destruction, forestalling our annihilation through their own self-sacrifice. Crashes at Roswell, more importantly places like Aztec. World leaders signed secret memos directing scientific studies of alien technology and biochemistry. Classified studies were done at military installations …S-4, Groom Lake, Wright, Patterson and Dulce. Extracting alien tissue, tests were done on unsuspecting human subjects in elaborately staged abductions in craft using alien technology recovered from the downed saucers. Including human hybridization through gene editing and forced implantation of alien embryos.”
Sveta (guest star): “Why do such a thing and lie about it? Our own government?”
Mulder: “Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy. The Tuskegee Experiments, …blackmail in the 30’s, Henrietta Lacks.”
Sveta: “What are they trying to do?”
Mulder: “That’s the missing piece.”
O’Malley: “But it is not hard to imagine. A government hiding, hoarding alien technology for 70 years at the expense of human life and the future of the planet, driven not only by corporate greed but a darker objective.”
Mulder: “The takeover of America.”
O’Malley: “And then the World itself, by any means necessary, however violent or cruel or efficient. By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high altitude electro-magnetic waves. In a state of perpetual war to create “problem” “reaction” “solution” scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave American citizens at home. (photos of George Bush on ship in Iraq) With tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act which abridge the Constitution in the name of national security. The militarization of the police force in cities across the U.S. The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose. The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, even the military in clandestine agendas to fatten, dullen, sicken and control the populace already consumed by consumerism.”
(video clip of Bush just after 9/11/2001): “…and I encourage you all to go shopping more.”
O’Malley: “A government that taps your phone, collects your data, and monitors your whereabouts with impunity. A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes. And the final takeover begins.”
Dana Scully: “The takeover of America.”
O’Malley: “By a well-oiled and well-armed multi-national group of elites that will cull, kill and subjugate.”
Scully: “Happening as we sit here?”
O’Malley: “It is happening all around us.”
Mulder: “The other shoe waiting to drop.”
O’Malley: “It will probably start on a Friday. The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.”
Mulder: “Digital money will disappear.”
Sveta: “They can just steal your money?”
Mulder: “Followed by the detonation of strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids.”
O’Malley: “In what will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.”
Mulder: “Or a simulated alien invasion using alien replica vehicles that exist and are already in use.”
Scully: “An alien invasion of the U.S.?”
Mulder: “The Russians tried it in ’47.”
Scully: “You can’t say these things.”
O’Malley: “I’m going to say them tomorrow.”
Scully: “You fear mongering, clap-trap, isolationists, techno-paranoia’ bogus and dangerous and stupid that it borders on treason. Saying these things would be incredibly irresponsible.”
Mulder: “It is irresponsible not to say it.”
Sveta: “Especially if it is the truth.”


“The Truth is out there.”

Conflating truth with nonsense

I don't think this is good for 911 Truth. Conflating facts with 'alien' absurdities ends up toxifying the facts
The subtle message in The X-Files is that discussion of 911 is not reality-based but is rather to be doubted as it is linked with absurdities like 'technology from aliens' - and other such nonsense.


Who benefits from doubt** ... and having 'the truth' perpetually 'out there somewhere'?


This amounts to the deliberate propagation of ignorance: agnotology **


There's a reason the BBC rather interviewed an X-Files screenwriter (Frank Spotnitz) than a physicist (Steven Jones) in its "Conspiracy Files " (sic) mockumentaries about 911.


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** Read >> "The man who studies the spread of ignorance"


"...How do people or companies with vested interests spread ignorance and obfuscate knowledge?


In 1979, a secret memo from the tobacco industry was revealed to the public. Called the Smoking and Health Proposal, and written a decade earlier by the Brown & Williamson tobacco company, it revealed many of the tactics employed by big tobacco to counter “anti-cigarette forces”.

In one of the paper’s most revealing sections, it looks at how to market cigarettes to the mass public:


“Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy.”


This revelation piqued the interest of Robert Proctor, a science historian from Stanford University, who started delving into the practices of tobacco firms and how they had spread confusion about whether smoking caused cancer.


The tactics of big tobacco to obscure the facts of smoking’s harmful effects led Robert Proctor to create a new word.


Proctor had found that the cigarette industry did not want consumers to know the harms of its product, and it spent billions obscuring the facts of the health effects of smoking.


This search led him to create a word for the study of deliberate propagation of ignorance: agnotology..."



We win when 9/11 is mentioned.

When 9/11 is mentioned in the mainstream media, it puts people's attention on 9/11.
That is a fact.
(Any topic mentioned in the mainstream media will put a person's attention on the topic.)

For some people, this will prompt them to ReThink911 or to take another look into 9/11.

When the mainstream media comes out with a statement which says "9/11 was a false flag operation", it certainly puts a person's attention on that concept.

We win.
We win even when the media tries to demonize us with hit pieces.
(By the way, much of the media bad mouthed this first episode of the X-Files. That tells me something. The media does not want people to put attention on certain topics.)

You are correct. The X-Files is positioned with aliens and para-normal activity. Aliens and such is the design of this fictional entertainment series.
It is a fiction story, just like the Marvel comics or Game of Thrones.
Having alien technology positioned next to "9/11 was a false flag operation" could be a "negative positioning of 9/11" for some folks and for other folks it could be considered a positive (e.g. If a person had a strong interest in aliens, such as The Disclosure Project).
So, I agree that this positioning aspect has shades of gray, because with some it may marginalize 9/11 Truth.

However, read the interview with Chris Carter where he talks about utilizing elements of truth in this fictionalized entertainment series.

On the positioning aspect...
Even in the 9/11 Truth Movement, there is a lot of noise, over-emphasis on certain aspects, disinformation, infiltration, and some "way out there theories". It becomes confusing for the new person who browses YouTube.
Thank God we have Ae911Truth.
YouTube can be a mess.

Let's take this for what it is.
It is a very popular sci-fi TV series which mentions 9/11 and hidden agendas and government cover-ups repeatedly.
After all, the Lone Gunman was an X-Files offshoot (and we may see some of those characters in this new series). <--See article link / Chris Carter above.

LONE GUNMAN on 911blogger
Smoking man of X-Files - read bottom comment -

I can understand your

I can understand your concern. The fact is that the issue does warrant a more serious and measured discussion platform than a TV fiction series. But take heart. This is perhaps a required step toward that platform and it does indicate that the issue is receiving attention from a high level within the entertainment industry.
Personally I do not see anything good bad or indifferent about this. It is what we make of it. And surely we can find a way to turn the added publicity to our advantage.

This is good for 9/11 truth

I actually think that the X-Files featuring 9/11 truth is very good for the 9/11 truth movement. At the very least, the program is making people aware that there is a controversy over what happened on 9/11 and that some people think 9/11 was an inside job. Millions of viewers also heard the term "false flag operation" probably for the first time when it was used in the new series of the X-Files.

The fact that 9/11 truth has now made its way into popular culture--as the new series of the X-Files proves--shows how much the 9/11 truth movement has achieved and how successful we are. So well done everyone!

Over 50 million viewers - Breaks Records

Over 50 million viewers worldwide watched the premiere according to the media.
More than 20 million in the US market.

(That is a lot of folks hearing about 9/11.)

'X-Files' Breaks Ratings Records Worldwide with Over 50 Million Viewers

How to Fake an Alien Invasion - CorbettReport

EXCERPT (from "My Struggle" X-Files)
O’Malley: “In what will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.”
Mulder: “Or a simulated alien invasion using alien replica vehicles that exist and are already in use.”
Scully: “An alien invasion of the U.S.?”
Mulder: “The Russians tried it in ’47.”
Scully: “You can’t say these things.”

How to Fake an Alien Invasion CorbettReport
Published on Feb 8, 2015

We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? Join us this week as we peek under the bluebeam curtain at the great alien invasion false flag. --Corbett

It is interesting to investigate "The Disclosure Project", Dr Steven Greer and all the elite World Power Brokers involved.

In a Q & A, Dr Steven Greer downplayed the importance of the 9/11 false flag event.
Dr. Steven Greer - Nov. 21, 2015 -

Elite World Power Brokers -
Besides Rockefeller and many others, one interesting tidbit about Prince Hans Adam von Liechtenstein of the country Liechtenstein (population 37,000)...
In the following talk, the stated reason that Prince von Liechtenstein is funding UFO researchers is that he wants the people of Earth to become involved in World War 3 which leads to the destruction of the entire planet.

4 minutes -Episode 1 - (see script above in the Blog Entry)

Season Finale - Episode 6 - "My Struggle 2" -Depopulation agenda

The plot of the Season Finale ("My Struggle 2") of the X-Files is centered around Population Control with the agenda of depopulating the world.
While again this was a fictionalized story and perhaps campy, it integrated topics like vaccines, anthrax, chemtrails spraying aluminum, microwaves, vaccines hindering the immune system, and the agenda by the elite at population control. Ha!...the elitist even has a resemblance to David Rockefeller.

Scene from Episode 6

Scene from Episode 6

The X-Files - Even Scully is Persuaded from Tom Secker on Vimeo.

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...and about the X-Files Season and conspiracy theories...

Scene showing how some conspiracy theories are bogus.

The X-Files - Mulder's Ennui from Tom Secker on Vimeo.

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Tom Secker is a researcher, writer, podcaster and filmmaker from the UK specializing in the intelligence services, particularly their involvement in popular culture, TV, film, and terrorism.
Here are his comments about the entire season of the X-Files and the topic of conspiracy theories. In the clip, you will see a scene from The Lone Gunman. This clip also makes an analogy to the Princess Diana death from a TV Series towards the end of the video.

ClandesTime 071 - The X-Files Season 10 from Tom Secker on Vimeo.

~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tom Secker Video Channel -
Tom Secker - Blog and website -

Tom Secker has also interviewed Sibel Edmonds about her book, "The Lone Gladio".
Secker in the above interview mentions that a character in HBO's "Homeland" is similar to Sibel.
Also here at the 123 mark...