NEWSBUD: The new alternative media

Introducing Newsbud: Where Media Integrity Matters
Corbett • 01/16/2016

A Message from Sibel Edmonds- Founder, NEWSBUD:

James Corbett talks to Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins and Pepe Escobar about NEWSBUD, a new media venture to take the alternative media to the next level. In this conversation they discuss who is involved with the project, what they hope to achieve with it, and how it will be funded.

Join the NEWSBUD Email List to keep up to date about the project!!!
The Countdown- February 14, 2016-Valentine’s Day

...Without you, we cannot build the independent news source that we the people deserve. We can only do that when we are 100% publicly supported, and that means we need you, your voice, and your commitment to our cause. Don’t let the 1% render you powerless- Empower yourself with NEWSBUD-People Powered Media where integrity matters. Thank You All, Sibel Edmonds

- See more at:

About time !

Finally ! Unity ! The establishment has used the divide and conquer method on us Americans for decades. This is an awesome idea ! Thanks Sibel . And to add, i think you should try and recruit people from some alternate news
places as well. I am sure some don't like the oversight, and watering down rules they have to abide by.
I believe this could make a difference, but in order to succeed it would have to grow to a size that couldn't be ignored.
Thank you !

Join the email list - Mark February 14th !

Join the email list. Mark February 14th on your calendar.



How will Newsbud report the news? And what stories will the new outlet cover? What could a fully-funded, independent investigative media outlet do, anyway? Today Sibel Edmonds, Bill Conroy and Guillermo Jimenez join James Corbett for a roundtable discussion on the forthcoming Newsbud site and how it will operate.

Newsbud Kickstarts Funding Drive