Mythbusters 9/11 parody: Stew's Conspiracy Funhouse Published on Jun 8, 2014


Mythbusters 9/11 parody: Stew's Conspiracy Funhouse

Published on Jun 8, 2014

Why do the Mythbusters refuse to cover the topic of 9/11? Maybe because it would reveal the truth? Please be sure to click the links for more info on each topic.

Special thanks to the work of David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan, Jonathan Cole, Richard Gage, and all the AE911 Truth professionals! They showed me the Truth!

Also thanks to John Langseth for the opening piano music and Purge for the SCF theme music.

We hope you watch the other Conspiracy Funhouse videos and listen to the best of the Conspiracy Funhouse podcast on Soundcloud:


WTC Is on the list and has been for a long time:

Right after the RFID episode...


Wonderful. Enjoyed the prospect very very much.

Can just imagine the live debate.

Very effective

(At 21:32) 'Holy shit, Jamie! We just busted the wrong myth!'

I also love the cover shot of the Popular Mechanics issue on UFOs.

Nicely done, Stew. I hope this gets some traction. This can be an effective tool.

(One thing: At 17:57, 'Worcester' is pronounced 'Wuss-ter,' not 'War-chester.')