The BFP Roundtable Asks Why People Believe Stupid Things

The BFP Roundtable Asks Why People Believe Stupid Things

Published on Mar 3, 2014

From the official story of 9/11 to the drug war narrative to Omidyar's hope and change, people allow themselves to believe the most transparent lies and propaganda. But why? On this edition of the BFP roundtable, James Corbett, Guillermo Jimenez and Sibel Edmonds ask (and attempt to answer) the question of why people believe stupid things.


I am naïve

I am naïve: all my life I have struggled with the prejudice that world travel made you wise; after all I did hear middle school girls accurately assess Picasso's work at the Museum of Modern Art and didn't even Hitler pick up a taste for Wagner in Vienna? Yet, when I heard Sibel say that her sister followed the Khardasians I nearly gagged. Maybe it is Turkish guilt that makes her feel as if she needs to support Kardashian, as Kim et al. are Armenian and the Turks have a lot to answer for in that arena, though they won't admit it.