"North Texans for 9/11 Truth" at the "Resist Tyranny Expo"

The “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” Group had the opportunity to participate in the Dallas area RESIST TYRANNY EXPO giving away DVDs and literature to the hundreds who turned out at the all day event held on Saturday, April 13th, 2013.

The “Resist Tyranny Expo” hosted by the Constitutional Defenders of Texas ( http://constitutionaldefendersoftexas.com/ ) was designed as a unifying event to provide a venue for people to get together and exchange discourse on Constitutional freedom and promote an environment that encourages awareness of the pressing issues that face our country today. On stage there was an open mic. A very wide spectrum of groups, associations, individuals and vendors were in attendance with over 35 tables set-up. ( See http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/4/prweb10585632.htm and http://resisttyrannyexpo.webs.com/ )

The Resist Tyranny Expo highlighted the Anniversary of Three Tyrannical Events on April 19... "The Shot that was heard around the world", Waco, and Oklahoma City Bombing.
1. Never Forget Waco! The 20th anniversary of the Waco Massacre on April 19th 1993
61 men, women and 19 children died.
2. Expose the coverup of Oklahoma City Murrah building bombing on April 19th 1995
168 lives, 19 children under the age of 6 died.
3. Remember the first shots of the American Revolution @ Lexington and Concord April 19th 1775.

Among the speakers:
Former Rep Charles Key spoke on the History of the OK City Bombing. Paul Revere inspired people with the spirit of freedom. Waco survivor Clive Doyle talked about his experiences 20 years ago during and after the tragic fire that killed 17 children, one being his daughter.

Thanks for posting this Tom.

Thanks for posting this Tom.

North Texans for 9/11 Truth on 9/11 Blogger

Joe, Again thanks for burning all those DVDs!!

How many DVDs has our group given out so far?

Great work!

Nearly 12 years after the event it's great to see community groups like North Texans for 9/11 Truth still devoting the time and effort to spreading the word. The perpetrators of 9/11 are hoping that activists will eventually 'move on' out of sheer exhaustion - the truth is on our side though, and every time you see a table like that in the top photo with literature and DVD's and friendly people ready for a chat, you know a number of newcomers will have received great, useful information that they will carry with them forever after. Good on you guys and I hope the day was a success for you.

Nice To See!

Very Cool to see actions by North Texans - You ROCK! - greetings from Western Canada's Edmonton911Truth - I gave away over 100 ae911Truth brochures during a 420 rally at our Alberta Legislature this past weekend...

We gave away 200+

copies of Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out!

If Not Me, WHO? If Not NOW, When?