Prof. John McMurtry on The Moral Decoding of 9/11

The following article appeared in "The Canadian Charger", Canada's National E-Weekly:

The Moral Decoding of 9/11

By John McMurtry
University Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Guelph
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

Unravelling the Turning Point of the Third Millennium

The Supreme Value System and Strategic Plan for World Rule

I was sceptical of the 9/11 events from the first time I saw the reel of it. It was on every major network within minutes. All the guilty parties were declared before any evidence was shown. The first questions of any criminal investigation were erased. Who had the most compelling motives for the event? Who alone had the means to explode two central icon buildings in New York into ashes and molten metal in seconds?1

Others questions soon arose in the aftermath. Why was all the evidence at the crime scenes removed or confiscated on the spot? Who was behind the continuous false information and non-stop repetition of ‘foreign/Arab terrorists’ when no proof of guilt existed? Who was blocking all independent inquiry?

Even 11 years on these questions are still not answered.

But those immediately named guilty without any forensic proof certainly fitted to the need for a plausible Enemy now that the ‘threat of the Soviet Union’ and ‘communist world rule’ was dead. How else could the billion-dollar-a-day military be justified with no peace dividend amidst a corporately hollowed-out U.S. economy entering its long-term slide? While all the media and most of the people asserted the official 9/11 conspiracy theory as given fact, not all did. A Bay-Street broker with whom I was improbably discussing the event in Cuba had no problem in recognising the value meaning. When I asked what he thought about the official conspiracy theory, he was frank: “You can call it what you want, but America needs a war to pull the people together and expand into new resource rich areas. That’s what it has always done from Mexico on. And that is what it needs now”. When I wondered why none in the know said so, he smirked: “It would be impolite”, adding, “It affects the entire future prosperity of America and the West”. And all the deaths? “It had to be done –far less than it could have been”. The 19 Arabs with box-cutters reducing the World Trade Center buildings to ash in a few seconds? He shrugged.

Thus everyone since 9/11 is prohibited nail-clippers on planes to confirm the absurd – including 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers being from Saudi Arabia and many found still alive after crashing the planes into the buildings.2 As for the diabolical mastermind Osama bin Laden, he is never linked by any evidence to the crime, never claims responsibility for the strike, and the videos of him are fakes. ‘Ground Zero’ is a double entendre. All doubts are erased a-priori.

Decoding the U.S. Theater of Wars and the Moral Driver Behind

One already knew that suspension of belief is the first act of fiction, and that instant culture rules the U.S. One already knew that monster technical events are America’s stock in trade. And one already knew the long history of false U.S. pretexts for war - so well established that a young strategic thinker a decade after 9/11 advises the right-wing Washington Policy Institute on how to create a crisis by deadly planned incident to make war on Iran – ‘it is the traditional way of getting into war for what is best in America’s interests”.3 One further knew from past research that the U.S.’s strategic leadership since 1945 had been Nazi-based in information and connections and the dominant Central-European figures articulating it ever after across Democrat and Republican lines have a common cause. For over 40 years, Henry Kissinger as Republican and Zbigniew Brzezinski as Democrat have been protégés of David Rockefeller, selected as Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group leaders, and capable on the record of any mass-homicidal plan ‘to advance U.S. interests’. The banker-and-oil imperial line through David Rockefeller as paradigm case goes back to the Nazi period to John Foster Dulles (an in-law) and his brother Allen Dulles (OSS and then CIA Director) , who Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg called a ‘traitors’ for their support of the Nazi regime. The Rockefeller Foundation funded and developed German Eugenics programs in the pre-war years and Standard Oil supplied oil in collaboration with I.G. Farben, and so on.4

More deeply, the supreme moral goal and strategic methods governing U.S. covert-state performance have not only have been very similar in moral principle, but have bridged underneath Rockefellers’ protégés Kissinger and Brzezinski, and more deeply still the theoretical godfather of U.S. covert state policy, Leo Strauss, who was funded out of Germany by David Rockefeller from the start. The inner logic of covert and not-so-covert U.S. corporate world rule since 1945 unified under Wall Street financial management and transnational corporate treaties for unhindered control of commodities and money capital flows across all borders is undeniable if seldom tracked. This architecture of the grand plan for a New World Order is evident in both strategic policy and global political and armed action over decades which have seen all the objectives increasingly fulfilled with deadly crises being constructed for war pretexts the standard technique. Behind them as first post-Nazi historical turn lies the 1947 National Security Act (NSA) which created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and explicitly licenses destruction of life, truth and other societies as institutional methods. The CIA is charged with designing, planning and executing “propaganda, economic war, direct preventive action, sabotage, anti-sabotage, destruction, subversion against hostile States, assistance to clandestine liberation movements, guerrilla murders, assistance to indigenous groups opposed to the enemy countries of the ‘free world’. The linkage back to Nazi methods and world-rule goal as the highest moral objective is not just one of corresponding ultimate principles and strategic policy formation. It relied on Nazi SS intelligence sources and means from the beginning of the covert terror state.5

There is no heinous means that is not assumed as the highest morality by this long-standing covert institutional formation linking to the presidential office – as we will see more ahead. It is an explicitly secret system involving at least the Defense Department and the CIA, the former with many more operatives and offices. The Special Activities Division (SAD) to carry out NSA criminal operations, for typical example, also confers the highest honors awarded in recognition of distinguished valor and excellence – as did the earlier SS prototype in Germany. What people find difficult to recognise is that these actions whether by the SAD or other system operations are conceived as the highest duty, however life-system destructive and mass murderous they are - right to the top of the covert system. All are super patriots in their own view, as were the Nazis. Contradiction between declared and actual values, however, is a central mode of the covert system. For example, what can is considered a high duty in the perpetual U.S. ‘war on drugs’, the most morally obligatory commitment of the U.S. state, is at the same time a war against and with other drug operations to transport illegal hard drugs into the U.S. itself. We might see here a parallel between foreign mass murder and domestic mass murder in 9/11, with both regarded as high patriotism in this supreme morality. In the background of America’s Reichstag Fire and likewise disclosing the unlimited geo-strategic action that can be operationalized as necessary and good, the post-1945 U.S. control of international sea-lanes made the covert U.S. state the world’s dominant narcotics controller so as to fund secret criminal war actions from South-East Asia to Latin America, including by the addiction of its own peoples.6 This woeful method has been long known by experts, but only came to light in the Reagan-state funding of the death-squad Contras of Nicaragua as ‘the moral equivalent of the founding fathers’ (a tribute he later gave to both the drug-running warlords and the jihadists of Afghanistan later to be from the ‘al Qaeda’). At first these ultimate moral contradictions seem merely insane, but only if one does not comprehend the underlying supreme morality of which they are all expressions. This supreme morality is ever more total U.S. world rule and self-maximizing position at the same time, with global corporate money demand multiplication the ultimate value driver.

These lines of moral institution, policy, strategic plan, and massive life destruction at every level are indisputable facts of the covert and official faces of the U.S. state, but are not connected across the dots to the September 11, 2001 attack. Since most people cannot believe their ‘own government’ or ‘the leader of the free world’ could execute such a sabotage action as ‘9/11’ in which thousands of American themselves died, these behavioral reminders forge the unifying meaning. Worse still occurred in the last ‘war’ before 9/11 as we will shortly see.

Underneath the ‘stolen election’ of George Bush Jr. - whose family made its money by serving the covert financial requirements of the Nazi regime before and during the 1939-45 War - was a domestic and foreign administration which would push further than any in the past to ‘advance U.S. Interests’ to full-spectrum world rule. Its project included reversing the Roosevelt New Deal and the social state within the U.S. itself - “an anomaly” as Bush Jr. expressed the historical perspective and ethic at work. The plan was more explicit in the published Project for the New American Century formed from 1997 on. It even supplied the need for a 9/11 event in its 2000 version, the year that Bush Jr. was elected and the year before 9/11. To indicate the ‘non-partisan’ nature of the planning, Democrat National security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski had already called for a 9/11-style domestic attack to move policy forward in his 1998 book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives.7

The Moral Compass of 9/11

As a moral philosopher with social value systems as my primary object of analysis, my first thoughts in understanding ‘9/11’ were of the system motives, known methods, and objective interests driving the event which could coherently explain it. Whatever the immediate hold of the official conspiracy theory on the public mind, a rational explanation is required which is consistent with the suppressed facts and the organising geo-strategic plan on both sides of the event.

For over a decade before 9/11, there were three U.S.-propelled global trends that almost never come into the understanding of 9/11 itself. 9/11 truth seekers themselves have focused on the foreground technics and the transparent motive for oil. But these are undergirded by deeper se-shifts of geopolitical and economic wars of seizure and destruction by other name against which the world’s people were rising. To compel books of analysis into one unifying frame, transnational corporate-rights treaties from NAFTA to the Maastracht Treaty to the WTO overrode all other rights across borders; the private ‘financialization’ stripping of social sectors and welfare states had advanced across the world; and the totalizing movement of the system across all former ‘cold war’ and cultural borders was ‘the new world order’ in formation. Together these vast shifts towards transnational money-sequence rule of all reversed centuries of democratic evolution. And every step of the supreme value program was life blind at every step of its global operationalization.8

Yet states and cultures were so sweepingly re-set into unaccountable transnational corporate and bank rule that few recognised the absolutist value program being imposed on the world. Fewer still recognised all was unfolding according to plan.

What has been least appreciated about the long-term strategic plan unfolding on both sides of what was immediately called ‘9/11’ – Call Emergency! - is that supreme banker and global money director David Rockefeller had summarized “the plan” to fellow money-party elites across borders at the Bildersberg meeting in Baden Germany in June 1991 - exactly at the same time that the Soviet Union and its resistant barriers fell.9 Bear in mind that Rockefeller among other initiatives appointed both Kissinger and Brzezinski for the lead in both the supranational Bilderberg and Trilateral strategic bodies of which he was the lead patron, not to mention financed the unemployed academic Leo Strauss out of Germany to be the godfather ‘philosopher’ of the ‘new world order’. Rockefeller is very exact to his fellow ‘elite of the elite’ of the Western world where only Americans and Europe are invited and reportage excluded:

A supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries', Rockefeller said.10

Observe the foundational new concepts in place of responsible government and democratic accountability. They are now consigned to “past centuries”. A ‘supranational sovereignty’ has replaced them and is morally “preferable”. Rockefeller is not exaggerating. By 1991 a ‘supranational sovereignty’ had already developed in the form of transnational treaties conferring override rights to of ‘profit opportunity’ on transnational corporations and private bank rule of government finances across borders – procedurally trumping any elected legislatures and their laws which are inconsistent with their thousands of treaty articles, even when the system eventually leads to world depression as now.11 The source of the legitimacy of governments, ultimate ‘sovereignty’, has now passed as preferable to ‘an intellectual elite and bankers’: more exactly, academic strategy servants and transnational money sequences overriding all human and planetary life requirements a-priori by the supreme moral goal.

To test the meaning, ask which function of the world’s people and means of life is not now in debt to Wall Street and the private global banking system it leads. Ask which means of life from food and water to autos and pension cheques is not thus ultimately controlled, or which commodity is not under oligopolistic corporate sway. The ‘surely preferable’ objective was already achieved by 1991 or in advanced global institutional motion. Now supreme over all else so that all else is now accountable to it, and it is not accountable to anything above it, ‘the plan’ seemed all but accomplished by Rockefeller’s own considered words.

But what if people resist the new world rule with no life coordinate or constraint at any level of its execution? We may recall that during the death-squad rule of the Argentina generals at this time in which civilians were murdered and tortured in the thousands, National Security Adviser Kissinger congratulated the junta on their "very good results - - The quicker you succeed the better.” Kissinger also heartily approved of the earlier massacres and torture in Chile. The resistance was in this way pre-empted long before the Soviet Union fell, and after 1990 had no block in the Middle East and Central Asia either. ‘The plan’ has been very long term. Kissinger the geo-executer was originally appointed to high office by Rockefeller (to lead the Council on Foreign Relations back in 1954), and – to give a sense of the long-range trajectory of the plan design - was incredibly the U.S. administration’s first choice for an ‘independent 9/11 Commission’. The obviously not-independent Kissinger was still not a problem for ‘the free press and official discourse. But when he was required to disclose his business connections, he withdrew to stay covert in his ongoing backroom capacities and enrichment.

The 9/11 sacrifice is better understood within this deep-structural context of the unfolding plan. Thus David Rockefeller gave special thanks to the media like “the New York Times, Washington Post, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion” in co-operating with it. Rockefeller was again precise:

This plan for the world would have been impossible for us to develop if we had been subjected to the light of publicity during those years.12

The plan’s next decisive steps were in fact already in motion as Rockefeller expressed gratitude for the media black-out. A new strategic manifesto from the Pentagon was in preparation entitled “Defense Planning Guidance on Post-Cold- War Strategy,” completed on February 18, 1992.13 Prepared under the supervision of Paul Wolfowitz, then the Pentagon’s Undersecretary for Policy, it was disclosed in March of 1992 by the New York Times. After the first invasion of Iraq, it became known as the Project for the New American Century publicly released from 1997 to 2000 prior to 9/11. Again we may note the long arc of planning control, crisis and war as required. Item 6 of the strategic plan defined the agenda in general terms: “In the Middle East and Southwest Asia, our overall objective is to remain the predominant power in the region and preserve U.S. and western access to the region’s oil.”

Oil-rich Iraq had in fact been invaded – not only to privatize its peerlessly high-quality surface oilfields but to destroy its region-leading socialist infrastructure. Iraq became accessible for invasion as the arms-bankrupted Soviet Union was in collapse. We may observe that the covertly genocidal destruction of Iraq described ahead bridged Republican and Democrat administrations over three changes of government – disclosing how the covert state operates as a moral constant across party fronts. The actions confirm and express the one supreme moral goal identified above. They bridge on the ground from Saddam himself as CIA-payroll killer and war proxy against Iran to recapture lost Iran oilfields dating from 1980 to 1988 to the fall of the USSR in 1991 as the axis of the long-term strategic plan of global turnaround to ‘America’s century’ still to come before and after 9/11. But between 1990 and 2003 Saddam was transmuted from former ally, to aggressor against Kuwait in an invasion given an official green light from the U.S. government, to ‘mushroom cloud’ threat with invented ‘weapons of mass destruction’. In fact, National Security Adviser Wolfowitz explained after the invasion found nothing of the kind: “[We had] virtually no economic options with Iraq because the country floats on a sea of oil.” Observe how the invasion is conceived as obligatory for a reason that expresses the supreme value goal. Observe that it occurs less than two years after 9/11 which gave the open-cheque justification for the carpet bombing and occupation which allowed the expropriation of Iraq’s society’s oil resources.

The problem was not the evil Saddam or ‘the weapons of mass destruction’, the standard reverse projection.14 It was the Iraqi people themselves and their developed oil-funded social life infrastructure between the supreme oil-fields and their U.S. corporate control and privatization from 2003 on as the ‘supranational sovereignty’ in action. 9/11 was, thus, first the justification for invading Afghanistan – to clear the way for oil pipes into the former Soviet republics loaded with oil around the Caspian Sea like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan – pipes that prompted the U.S. representative to predictively warn the Taliban: “Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs.”15 9/11 was then the necessary basis of justification for the carpet bombing of Baghdad for the unifying supreme objective.

In fact never published in the corporate media keeping the glare of publicity away from the supreme moral objective, the publicly owned and managed oil revenues of Iraq had been invested since the 1950’s in Iraq’s advanced social infrastructure leading the Middle East with free higher education, high health standards, and near universal livelihood security. The world’s oldest civilisation was robust in organisational capacities long before the CIA-asset Saddam was installed. Despite his murdering his way to the top in this function, even Saddam could not destroy the system because socialist government had been achieved decades earlier by a powerful oil-workers’ union base and a population glad to have all education free, an efficient low-cost foods delivery system, and the most advanced public healthcare system in the Middle East. So there was not only ‘the sea of oil’ as a motive to remove the people sitting on it to its rightful U.S. control in the new ‘supranational sovereignty’ of the world. Just as important in this ultimate moral cause, what the U.S. covert state always seeks to destroy by any means is a successful social infrastructure without private big oil, bankers and transnational corporations free to control it towards higher profit opportunities.

Unravelling the Supreme Moral Doctrine behind the U.S. Covert State

The genocide of Iraq, as the long-opposing “evil empire” was in free-fall, is the most important strategic anchoring prior to ‘9/11’. Covert strategic policy to forward the supreme goal is by now self-evident, but the inner moral logic is assumed not penetrated. The most influential of Rockefeller’s protégés in this regard is the ‘philosopher king’ of the U.S. covert state, Leo Strauss. While he never worked in a philosophy department or has any training in logic, his concept of ‘natural right’ fits exactly to the ‘supranational sovereignty’ of private money-sequence rule of the world – what ‘the intellectual elite’ Rockefeller refers to invoke as ‘moral anchor’, ‘right’ and ‘justice’. The moral thought system is not unlike that of Mein Kamf without the racist rant, camouflaged everywhere in practice by the method of big lies – ‘noble lies’ as Strauss exalts them.16 The innermost value driver is a perpetual war of dispossession of the weaker for the private transnational money-capital multiplication of the rich.

Nothing in this doctrine is too mendacious, greed-crazed and mass murderous if it fulfills the plan of this limitless private-capital rule as ultimate moral ground and compass. In Strauss’s canonical teaching of U.S. national security advisers and intellectual following, the ruling moral absolute is expressed by the core master idea behind the ‘supranational sovereignty’ of an ‘intellectual elite and bankers’: “limitless capital accumulation - - - the highest right and moral duty”.17

This is the ethical absolute of the covert U.S. state and its strategic decision structure. And there is no internal limit within this moral universe to life means seizure from poorer societies and resources to loot for the supreme goal. It is the natural and absolute Good.

To justify its meaning, the Straussian canon adopts a potted reading of Western moral and political philosophy from Plato through Hobbes, Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx and Weber. This impresses American political operatives of the faith, but Strauss is a failed philosopher turned down by Paul Tillich for his post-doctoral Habilitation and only saved from academic ruin in Germany by Rockefeller grant money. While not taken seriously as philosophy anywhere else, it is worth decoding its Talmudic involution for the borrowed ideas that drive its covert state disciples and neo-fascist public ‘intellectuals’ in America. The ultimately organising idea is to commend all forms of conquering and limitlessly expanding private capital as “natural right and law” with genocidal subjugations justified in glowing moral terms. For example, “noble lies” is the moral category for limitless mendacity. One may wonder how educated people can be so bent out of moral shape. So I now concisely provide what cannot be found elsewhere: the inner logic of the supreme doctrine as distorted perversions of great thinkers. Its framework of meaning and value helps us to understand why the 9/11 event could easily follow for the managers of the covert U.S. state and its Straussian planners as not at all anomalous or evil within their moral logic. 9/11 follows as a maximally rational and unique tool to achieve the objectives in fact achieved by 9/11, and the geo-strategic cabal behind it are servilely linked from the beginning to the dominant private transnational corporate and banking interests exemplified by David Rockefeller.

To understand this brutal moral universe and its connection to 9/11, the 9/11 wars and a globalizing police state, we need to understand the deformations of its basic organising ideas. Plato’s idea of ‘the noble lie’ means in fact a myth or parable to communicate an underlying truth about the triadic human soul of reason, spirit and appetite which, Plato argues, should be reflected in the construction of the ideal state (in which the rulers are communist in their common property to keep them uncorrupted and true). But through the prism of U.S. global money-party rule a la Strauss this idea becomes the principle of lying to the public to keep the vulgar herd – the people themselves - ignorant and obedient. The philosophies of Hobbes and Hegel are also grist for this mill. Hobbes argues that ‘man is moved by a restless desire for power after power that ceaseth only in death’, but this brute desire in the ‘State of Nature’ is tamed by ‘the covenant of peace’ ordered by the internal sovereign as absolute. Via Strauss and the U.S. covert state this becomes right is might and the ultimate ‘natural right’ is limitless private capital power and empire with no end of totalization across the peoples and lands of the world. Hegel too suits a fascist-capitalist reading since he argues ‘the State is the march of God through the world’, and war itself is history’s test of which State is a higher realisation of ‘the absolute Idea’. But Hegel still envisaged a ‘universal state’ to supersede the competitive private-property division of capitalism in the ‘universalization of right and law on earth’. Once again U.S. private money-capital power with no bound, the supreme moral goal in the Rockefeller-Strauss doctrine, is opposite to the classical philosophy it invokes. Once more dialectical development of reason to more coherently inclusive conception and life is reversed into one-way private money capital sequences maximized to rule the world with the U.S. military as its instrument of force and terror.

However it conceals its meaning, all positions come down to this underlying value code – as may be tested on whatever transnational money-sequence demand, right or war is launched next. 9/11 construction in such a moral world does not violate this value code. It expresses it in self- maximizing strategic turn to achieve the ultimate goal.

Friedrich Nietzsche may provide the best fodder for the doctrine when he advises that ‘life is essentially appropriation, injury, overpowering of what is alien and weaker, imposing of one’s own forms, and at its mildest exploitation’ in his superman vision of ‘beyond good and evil’. For philosophical Nietzscheans, this is code for the inner meaning of the angst of artistic creation. But this meaning is predictably lost on the U.S. covert-state school seeking the ‘supranational sovereignty’ of ‘limitless capital accumulation’ as the supreme good with the ‘intellectual elite’ as servants to it, not overcoming limits to full life meaning. Rather, Karl Marx’s link of capitalism’s success to productive force development is the ultimate equivocation upon which this ruling doctrine depends – making no distinction between productive capital providing life goods and unproductive money sequencing hollowing out the world by money-capital multiplication. Marx, it must be acknowledged, did not made the distinction himself since this mutation of capital came a century after his death.18

Finally Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism does not ground this doctrine of ‘limitless capital accumulation as the highest right and duty’ with the state to serve it, as Strauss again torturously deforms meaning. In fact Weber deplores any such perversion of public authority. His capitalist model is a young Benjamin Franklin speaking of money saved and invested as like having ‘a breeding sow’, not a transnational money-sequence juggernaut of eco-genocidal expansion. Revealingly Benjamin Franklin and ‘the protestant ethic’ in general were most concerned about non-waste which Strauss explicitly excludes from the meaning of ‘limitless capital accumulation’. For Leo Strauss and his U.S. ‘national security’ disciples, the capitalist may waste as much as he wants by ‘natural right’. Further in complete inversion of source, the greed worship of the U.S. state, its patrons and its academy disciples reverses the model of the ‘spirit of capitalism’ exemplified by Benjamin Franklin in proprietary claim on knowledge and inventions. He in fact refused to patent his famous Franklin Stove because he believed that no innovation or new knowledge from which other people could benefit should be denied them - just as he himself had benefitted from the community of knowledge and science as the distinguishing feature of being a civilised human being.

In short, it is important to recognise how twisted the covertly ruling doctrine is. No element of it is life coherent or true to the classical thinkers its mongrel distortions are costumed in. In the end, only the transnational U.S. money party has any place in its rights and obligations, and any sacrifice of other life to its supreme goal is legitimate – linking back to the Nazi-U.S. corporate axis that nearly destroyed the civilised world once before.19

Money-Capital Power Ueber Alles: How Economic Rationality Leads the Plan

The U.S. culture of money-sequence ‘rationality’ is the underlying intellectual and moral disorder which leads to ‘limitless money capital accumulation’ as the supreme moral goal. In formal terms, the equation of rationality to atomic self-maximization is assumed a-priori across domains. With globalizing Wall-Street-led ‘financialization’, this ‘rationality’ becomes equated to private money-sequence multiplication across all borders as the ultimate Good. This is the innermost mutation of value logic and goal, the moral DNA, from which the cancerous world system develops on both sides of 9/11.20

This first principle itself is in fact built into formal economics, decision and game theory, and strategic science, as I explain step by step in “Behind Global System Collapse: The Life-Blind Structure of Economic Rationality.”21 It is axiomatic but unexamined, life-blindly absolutist but not recognised as morally problematic. To make a long story short, competitive self-maximization in the market is assumed to produce ‘the best of possible worlds’ by mathematical proof. ‘Pareto efficiency’ is believed to demonstrate this by private money exchanges between self-maximizing atoms a-priori stripped of all life properties, relations, society, conditions of choice, and all natural and civil life support systems. Pareto himself recognised outside this formula what has since been covered up. Not only is the formula consistent with most having remaining impoverished by the ‘optimum’ of ‘no-one worse off’, what none who cite ‘Pareto efficiency’ as a standard academic mantra ever acknowledge or even recognise. Pareto himself is in no doubt of the implication. As the fascist party he belongs to rules Italy and Rockefeller creates the Council of Foreign Relations, he asserts with approval: “Very moral civilized people have destroyed and continue to destroy, without the least scruple, savage or barbarian peoples”.22 We glimpse here at the roots the supreme morality built into ‘economic science’ itself.

Yet as demonstrated in ‘Behind Global System Collapse’ even the most liberal canon of America including John Rawls’ classic A Theory of Justice are grounded in the same underlying meta principle. Rationality and value are equated to self-maximizing gain with no limit within game-theoretic interactions as the sole limiting framework of ‘limitless money capital acquisition’. The generic equation defines, indeed, the dominant intellectual and economic mind-set of America and the global system in action since 1980. The cabal internal to U.S. national security strategic planning follows the moral logic to its most radical conclusions with no constraints by life or law. The one absolute moral meaning is the spread of U.S. economic, military and political power as good for all: or, more exactly in Straussian language, limitless private transnational money-capital expansion as the highest right and moral duty. Only what is consistent with or serves this supreme morality, it follows, deserves to exist. This is the alpha and omega of the covert doctrine and state, and careful reading can find no disconfirmation beneath the rhetoric of ‘noble lies’.

The Iraq Paradigm: Genocide Strategy From 1990 On

The Iraq line of the geostrategic plan from 1990 to 2001 and after is a paradigmatic articulation of the covertly ruling moral logic. It launches into the theatre of war as direct war attack when U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, is instructed to green-light Saddam’s already known plan to invade Kuwait in 1990: “The US. has no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, such as your dispute with Kuwait”, she advises. To formalize the lie as official and traditional, she reports: “Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America”.23

The dispute was in fact over Kuwait’s drawing out oil from reserves underlying Iraq as enabled by the colonial split of the oil-rich Kuwait province from Iraq - the classic divide-and-rule policy holding also in the division of oil-rich Kurdistan among four manufactured states. Saddam had good reason to trust the U.S. not only by the long-term official promise of neutrality, but as blood-mix ally when he waged a U.S.-supported war of aggression against Iran - which still remains the target to take. Note the big lie to provoke the supreme crime of war has remained without any ‘glare of publicity’ to derail the plan. When Saddam did exactly as planned by invading Kuwait, Bush Sr. raved about the Nazi-like aggression against a weaker country in the reverse projection that always defines the covert U.S. state before, through and after 9/11. So in the same name of ‘preventing aggression’. U.S. ‘defense’ forces invaded Iraq to destroy any life capacity it had to defend itself – always the strategy since the defeat in Vietnam. The genocide began by the massacre of many tens of thousands of fleeing soldiers. Recall the weeping young woman, the Kuwait ambassador’s daughter, planted next to baby incubators falsely claiming the monster Saddam had murdered them. This reverse projection was soon to be made real thousands of times over inside the victim society of Iraq.

Reverse projection of evil is always the meta law of U.S. psych-ops propaganda in the deadly conflicts and wars it covertly starts. This is the supreme moral program in action as ‘noble lies’. In this case, the air-bombing after surrender continued from U.S. and ‘special ally’ Britain as ‘sanctions of Iraq’ to ‘prevent aggression’ – again the reverse projection. In fact the bombs continually fell on the water and electricity infrastructures of the defenceless people and against all lines of repair to restore either – ‘the line in the sand against Iraq aggression’. We might bear in mind that Wolfowitz was Undersecretary of Defense under Secretary Cheney at this time, not unlike their positions at the time of 9/11.

Air-bombing, as Bertrand Russell long ago pointed out, is inherently fascist in erasing the killed and maimed from sight while ensuring impunity for the bombers of defenceless people. But all such mass murder is only collateral damage to the supreme moral goal as ‘natural right and law’. The air bombing of Iraq’s water and electricity supplies dressed in one big lie after another continued in slow mass-murderous destruction of the people and their social life infrastructures years on end. Denis Halliday, United Nations Humanitarian Co-ordinator for the mission finally called it “genocide” (Wikipedia calls it ‘the Persian Gulf War’) when he resigned in 1998 to protest against “the crimes against humanity”. But no-one knew until the U.S. Department of Defense Intelligence got out that the first sweep of Iraq was planned down to the mass killing of the infants and children. September 11 in 2001 is better understood in this wider context of strategic planning by the covert U.S. terror state. For years the non-stop bombing of the people’s central life-water support system deliberately engineered mass dying from torturous diseases of children in the hundreds of thousands.

What was predicted beforehand by Harvard Medical School researchers from the continuous civilian infrastructure bombing the U.S. military - the deaths of over 500,000 children - was verified by the counts scientifically taken at the risk of researchers as the bombing continued month after month with Nato support.24 Full-spectrum corporate money-sequencing through Iraq under the Comprehensive Privatization Program would only be enabled by ‘9/11’ down the road. But first the bases of advanced social life organization needed to be destroyed. The later-leaked U.S. Defense Intelligence document entitled “Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities” expresses the moral DNA at work. I cite the key lines of U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency reports because they reveal the character of the supreme moral goal and its strategic planning. “With no domestic sources of water treatment replacement or chemicals like chlorine” and “laden with biological pollutants and bacteria”, the leaked Defense Intelligence Agency report says (italics added), “epidemics of such diseases as cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid” will “probably take six months before the [drinking and sewage water] system is fully degraded”. The document continues, Conditions are favorable for communicable disease outbreaks [by the one-way air bombing] with the “most likely diseases during next sixty-ninety days of diarrheal diseases (particularly children) acute respiratory diseases (colds and influenza); typhoid; hepatitis (particularly children); measles, diphtheria, and pertussis (particularly children); meningitis including meningococcal (particularly children), cholera”. “Medical Problems in Iraq”, dated March 15, 1991, reports that the “water is less than 5 percent of the original supply - - diarrhea is four times above normal levels - - Conditions in Baghdad remain favorable for disease outbreaks”. The fifth document in June reports “almost all medicines in critically short supply” and “Gastroenteritis killing children - - in the south, 80 percent of the deaths are children”.25

In short, no limit to covert U.S. planning of indiscriminate mass murder for the supreme goal exists. The number who died in 9/11 suddenly pales in comparison. In all cases, it lets ‘those inimical to U.S. interests’ know that there is no limit to how far the covert terror state will go for the supreme moral code not yet decoded. Combined with wars of aggression before and after 9/11, raining fire and explosions on civilians from the air so that no defense or escape can be made, saturating the fields of public meaning with big lies civilly dangerous to unmask, and bringing vast enrichment and new powers to transnational corporate conglomerates and their past and present CEO’s of the acting U.S. state – all become clear in their ultimate meaning once decoded. As the Democrat U.S. Secretary of State responded to the question of the 500,000 killed children, “we think the price was worth it”. No price is too much to pay for fulfilment of the transcendent project of the global U.S. state and its private capital rule as ‘the Free World’. ‘Those inimical to our interests’ are those who oppose or are in the way of it, and thus ‘hate our freedom’.

The Strategic Logic of Value through 9/11

By 2000 it is very clear to the U.S. strategic planners that the opening up of the Middle East and Central Asia after the fall of the Soviet Union must be still better capitalized on before it is too late. The great regret in the planning personnel of the coming Bush Jr. administration like Paul Woldfowitz is that Iraq had not been taken over on the first invasion. The need for ‘full spectrum power’ across the Middle East and Central Asia is thus the essential argument of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), with the prescription that other ‘regional power’ is able to contest it. The PNAC more explicitly recognise the strategic necessity for what Zbigniew Brzezinski had already called for in 1998 in The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives – namely, “the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat” to ensure public support for “the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power”. The now once untouchable Central Asia, formerly of the USSR, is thus targeted as essential not only for its vast oil reserves, but to complete rule of the ‘first truly global power’.

The Project for the New American Century is more explicit than Brzezinski in 2000, the year before 9/11. As former Defence Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer, lucidly puts it in a recent address (italics added): “The authors of this American ‘Mein Kampf ‘ [the PNAC] for conquest recognized the difficulty of persuading sophisticated Americans to accept such a gigantic change in policy. So they wrote the following (subsequently removed from the record): “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary changes, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”26

Excepting the Vietnam War ending in military defeat – but vastly enriched armaments and connected private bank and corporate interests - the hitherto favoured strategic-plan mode had been local death squads along with pervasive American media propaganda against the victims as ‘communists’ and ‘sponsored by the USSR’. But once there was no remotely equal opponent in mass-kill capacities and transnational trade treaties now bound governments within corporate-rights law as overriding domestic laws and policies, anything became permissible. The plan for the ‘supranational sovereignty’ of ‘limitless capital accumulation’ in ‘full-spectrum power’ required only 9/11 to derail world-wide peace, environmental and anti-corporate globalization movements growing into uncontrollable civilian capacity across borders and continents.

People were waking up to the one-way destruction of life systems at all levels. Iraq was not alone in the genocidal clearance of former socialist infrastructures uniting peoples across ethnic lines. A far more democratic Yugoslavia was set up and destroyed by financial means in the same year by the 1991 U.S. Foreign Operations Appropriations Law after the 1980’s multiplication of public interest rates to over 20 percent prime devoured social life support structures across the world. This was the unseen financialization base of a global war against public and worker economic and political powers which was reaping a cumulative global civilian reaction of opposition to ‘the plan’. 9/11 ensured against the fightback of financially dispossessed peoples with the signature reverse operation - diversion to an external ‘terrorist threat’ that stood in the way of more sweeping transnational corporate wars on more peoples being dispossessed. Civil war in Yugoslavia long targeted by Reagan’s secret National Security Directive 133 as early as 1984 was predicted and occurred after the underlying employment and welfare structure of multi-ethnic Yugoslavia collapsed under deliberate financial destabilization. (The villain of the piece, Slobovan Milosevic, was himself a major banker). In oil-rich Somalia, two-thirds of its territory had been leased out to four transnational oil companies by 1993 - a condition of lost grounds of life for Somalians behind the primeval civil war ever since. These are merely expressions of the underlying logic of value and the plan for its supranational rule beneath the lights of publicity as ‘discretion’. The examples are myriad from Latin America to South-East Asia to sub-Sahara Africa and the Middle East to Israel and Canada today. But a descriptive law of the supreme moral goal holds across all diverse instances of its expression.

Strategic planning for the destruction of social life infrastructures of peoples for private money capital gain without limit is the ultimate value program throughout from the U.S. to China.

The people of the U.S. are not exempt from their own system of covert state rule, although democratic heroism here joins with the larger world against it. This is the ultimate moral struggle on earth today. The moral politics of the disorder are the enforcement of the descriptive law. This is the ruling meta program, and it is carcinogenic by its nature. The supreme motive force it multiplies by is privately self-maximizing money possession (individual and corporate) seeking to be limitlessly more. More = Better. Less = Militant Demand for More.

The ‘9/11’ event is the epicentre of the supreme moral objective seated in Wall Street. It is best understood as an ultimate strategic maximizer of the italicized formula. Exactly expressed, its ultimately regulating axiology is private money inputs through all life to maximally more private money outputs in ad infinitum progression: Money àLife as Meansà More Money or, formally, $à LasM à$1,2,3,4--- N .

At the highest level of anchoring moral meaning, this private money-demand rule seeks to be absolute and total across borders with no quarter. “Full spectrum dominance” is its military method. Yet what distinguishes it from the Nazi rule it connects with as prior transnational corporate partner in war making is that in the U.S. private money demand multiplication at the top is the only organising value meaning. 97% of its money command is produced by private bank notes of others’ debt to the private bank system centred in Wall Street. Yet despite this very narrow centre of control, almost no global territory or field of life is outside its rule and strategic plan. The ‘Trans-Pacific Partnership’ is but its latest expression - focusing on private knowledge-patent money sequencing to rule out generic pharmaceuticals and other life-and-death knowledge commons from which higher profits cannot be made. The one underlying common principle throughout all phases is transnational corporate and bank money sequencing to more. Its converse is to override all life requirements at all levels, and strategically planned crises and wars are the advancing lines of control and enforcement.

What is not recognized through all the genocidal wars, ecocidal results, collapsing social life support systems and falling wages, however, is that this ruling value sequence rationally leads to ‘9/11’ as maximal strategic payoff progression. “Absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event”, the Project for the New American Century declared before 9/11, “the U.S risks the loss of a global security order that is uniquely friendly to American principles and prosperity”. Decoded, this meant in theory and practice more transnational private money sequence progression to ever more control over all still-uncontrolled assets for more and richer returns without limit of take or life destruction. But these are unspeakable lines of value meaning, and that is likely why, for example, Wikipedia keeps altering the entry of my name with conspiracy theory attributions and smears to ensure that such deep-structural diagnosis does not gain currency. That is how this system works, and analysis will provide more variations of this gagging method on 9/11 ahead.

The strategic necessity of the 9/11 event for ‘global security order’ can even be asserted by the principal architects of the administration under which it happened, and those who observe this dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’. Reverse projection is, as always, the essential psychological operation. The documented but shouted-down logistics included V.P. Cheney having control of the air-defence of NORAD six months before the event to manage the relocation of the stand-by fighter jets to Alaska and Canada on September 11, 2001, and more broadly, no jet intervention for over two hours until the full operation was completed. The tell-tale signs that it was not the “foreign act of war” which was trumpeted were that President Bush Jr. continued exposed in set-up photo ops with school children during the “attack on the U.S.”. Not a wheel turned in U.S. jet intervention or homeland protection. No evident defensive action or response whatever occurred. Until strategic security from public uprising and awareness was established, the blame on foreign terrorists repeated non-stop around the clock with no-one raising a question.

Weeks thus passed in inaction – all planned as we see ahead. As the future director of the 9/11 Commission said years before 9/11: “The effort and resources we devote to averting or containing this threat now, in the ‘before’ period, will seem woeful, even pathetic, when compared to what will happen ‘after’.”27 And so one war of invasion after another was made upon entirely unproven sources of the ‘attack’ who were, in fact, states and peoples standing in the way of vast publicly owned oil-fields. These had to be taken for control by U.S. and allied state armies for the private transnational corporations employing their leaders in and out of office. Money-sequence oil to quadruple-plus more has been the story ever since.28 If 80% of the 19 claimed suicide agents were from ultimate oil-ally Saudi Arabia, none of whose identities could have survived the cindered buildings and many still proved alive, why did no vaunted ‘free press’ ever investigate 9/11? The ‘noble lie’ is the big lie built into all the steps.

The total demolition of the buildings on 9/11 was very professionally executed – impossible to manage except by a technologically sophisticated state with intelligence support, as former State Secretary for Defense of Germany, Andreas von Bülow, has concisely observed at the first-order level: “To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry”.29 Turning huge fireproofed steel-girded buildings in the centre of New York into fuming debris in a few seconds and melting down car bodies nearby extends the problem of physical impossibility by jet fires. That is why the firemen were killed by being “falsely told it was a fire, not military ordinance”. The fire-squad commander who told me this asked me not to name him because of the harm that might come to him “from the media” - – the 9/11 gag again Yet the core and deciding issue is strangely avoided by all:

Whatever the technics, every step before and after 9/11 took place in accordance with the supreme moral objective and covert-state strategic methods to execute it. The smoking gun is incinerated buildings. Every step ‘before’ and ‘after’ goes back to the motive, the crime syndicate, the plan, the payoffs, the seizures and dispossessions every step, what disconfirms the self-evident pathway of the ‘great game’?

Reducing the Auto-Determination of Nations Requires the Plan

To reduce the ‘auto-determination of nations practised in past centuries’ for ‘the ‘supranational sovereignty of an intellectual and banker elite’ could only be made possible through ‘full spectrum dominance’ on the ground as the Project for the New American Century had independently explained, and ‘the catastrophic and catalyzing event’ required was ‘9/11’, however it was accomplished.

Nicholas Rockefeller was already speaking of ‘the plan’ eleven months before the ‘9/11’ call for emergency help when he said to his close friend, Aaron Russo: “There's going to be an event Aaron...We are going to go into Afghanistan so we can put a gas pipeline to the Caspian Sea...We are going to go into Iraq to take the oil and to establish a base in the Middle East and we're going to go into Venezuela and try and get rid of Chávez - - -Through it, you fight the War on Terror and then you go into Iraq - - the media can convince everybody that it's real - -”30 Lest the reader doubt this witness, it has nowhere been disavowed any more than the patriarch’s disclosure of ‘the plan’ itself which is also available on the right-wing Cato Institute website. All express the underlying but observable moral law of motion of this ruling value system - to acquire maximally more money demand for private use and control with no public or other barrier across internal and external borders by war, trade treaty or any other means whatever the sacrifice of others’ lives. They do not count into the calculus. All life is an ‘externality’. There is no step of the covert U.S. state that does not obey the formula.

The legality of international treaty was and remains the transnational legal method already established in the decade before 9/11 to provide the supranational framework of private transnational money-sequence rule as the moral absolute to which all conformed. Coded as ‘the global free market’, it is neither free nor a market, but oligopolistic corporate control of supply, demand, and inert-state policy. In fact, the supreme morality as defined overrides all economic interests themselves by absolute protection of private transnational “profit opportunity” alone - with thousands of regulations across borders governed by this moral absolute. This too is testable by logical examination of the articles of any transnational trade treaty in the Nato control zone. Policy structures follow in line. Tax, financial, natural resource and investment policies are structured by law and right to ignore all destruction of social and natural life and life capital bases to grow transnational private money sequences to limitlessly more. This is why the self-multiplying money sequencing with no committed life function has much expanded in accordance with this moral absolute through and after ‘9/11’. Observe how the ultimately regulating principles of value prescription and description all conform to one axiological syntax across controllable theoretical, economic, political, and other levels of the global system.31

Thus whatever the world uprisings against it and however destructive of the planet’s social and ecological life bases, this law of motion remains the ruling constant. Not even the life impoverishment of the growing majority and the collapsing of the biosphere itself are allowed to modify its supranational ruling form. Even a tenth of one percent tax on its ruinous money-sequence tides or fraction of legal tender to back them is off-limits. Not only 9/11 itself, but global policy locks of every kind are the expressions of this ruling moral absolute as inviolable and supreme however much they destroy people’s lives without any committed life function - the normalization of private-bank compound-interest debts bleeding peoples dry, destabilizing speculations in sovereign currencies and bonds, asset-stripping buyouts and disemploying mergers, predatory repossessions of homes and loan-shark rates on poor debtors including college students with no limit, endless takeovers of productive firms by foreign multinationals with only banknotes, ecologically devastating mega-projects and loot-mining with no environmental or social criteria, lethal armaments manufacture led by bribery for sales to despots, Wall Street intermediations in every project with no life commitment, huge hauls of financial lifeblood from public privatizations to equity capital multiplying outside of securities regulations, stock-market derivatives exploiting fabricated money-sequence tides and futures at the cost of hundreds of millions more hungry people, and - in general - limitless corporate predation of societies’ domestic resources, home markets, worker pay and benefits, and public tax revenues. With all regulating life standards thus erased and repelled, a direct question arises: Why would the sacrifice of a few thousand mixed-nation people and two icon buildings count against this covert value calculus if it reaped the world in payoff matrix to the under one percent and could always be blamed on the Enemy to achieve even more full-spectrum dominance of the ultimate objective over all life and life systems that limit its growth and universalization?

Conversely and in particular at the geostrategic armed force level, if any society does not yet fit into the world system as function of it, armed invasion can now follow as ‘defense against the terrorists’ who have ‘attacked America” in 9/11. As U.S. General Wesley Clark has also reported for the public record, this strategic line of war has been explicit in ‘U.S. defense’ strategic planning for Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, and Syria since 9/11.

The Ruling Group-Mind:

The Official Conspiracy Theory, the Free Press, and the 9/11 Turn

At first I thought the ‘9/11’’ event was merely allowed to happen like Pearl Harbour. But the facts showed that only U.S. capacities could explain the logistics of the otherwise physically impossible execution of the crime – from the free-fall speed of the fire-proofed buildings into their footprints to the absence, inaccessibility and removal of evidence, to the detailed police-state law ready to apply – all of which remain unexplained.

On the other hand, a lot of evidence remained, like the F.B.I. reports not followed up on and the many people led to believe beforehand that there was a foreign plane attack coming ensured that people were ready to believe that only an alien conspiracy could explain the event and moral outrage would be directed at jihadist Arabs and at U.S. intelligence and defense forces on not doing enough in time. In fact, as we will see ahead, this was the very scenario proposed before 9/11 by the man who came to be the head of the 9/11 Commission itself.

But the immediate historic transformation of the powers of the Bush Jr. administration was the most dramatic effect of the 9/11 event. Its apotheosis of power from near political dea

John McMurtry

John McMurtry is spot on, though difficult to read.

"In short, no limit to covert U.S. planning of indiscriminate mass murder for the supreme goal exists. The number who died in 9/11 suddenly pales in comparison. In all cases, it lets ‘those inimical to U.S. interests’ know that there is no limit to how far the covert terror state will go for the supreme moral code not yet decoded."

I might recommend watching this before reading the article to better comprehend what McMurtry is driving at.

The invention of money which cleared the way for an efficient and productive division of labor has been completely perverted in our current system. As a friend of mine said "It's always the bankers." Yeah, and a few others.


Published on Oct 28, 2012

Re-uploaded as it was taken down from google videos.
Video found @